meeting yanli and others

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Lan wangji went to weiying after vowing to himself. He looks at weiying who is happily talking with everyone, surprisingly hefelt peace. He walked up to them slowly and handed the gifts to weiying. Weiying took them happily and distributed them among children. Later hualian joined with their own gifts. Children played with Hua ying alot .

It's lunch time and everyone went to dining hall , initially the children want to sit with Huaying but grand master made him sit with her personally feeding him.

Yanli who is waiting for weiying was shocked but happy that her a'xian is treated so preciously by his family like he deserved, she still longed to talk to him but she don't want to take him back to Lotus pier as she knows her family will only take him as a responsibility or an  asset but not a family. She and her brother alone can't give him enough love as much as all these people are giving, she thought about all these in the past few days and  finally decided it's time to let go of past relationship and make a brand new, healthy relationship.

After lunch everyone was asked to get back to their respective places except Hua family, immortals and Jiang yanli. They approached her first after a brief introduction and exchanging words of gratitude for taking care of Hua ying they decide to introduce Hua ying who is hiding behind his baba and peeking at the lady before him excited to Yanli.

XL: a'ying come here this is lady Jiang , she is your sister. Your wei Papa's friends daughter, greet her.

HY: a'ying have another sister like Bai yue jie jie, and Xia jiao jiejie. Greetings Jiang jiejie.(He bowed to her),you know about my papa alot, can you tell me?

(Weiying heard a lot about his mom, but he didn't hear much about his father as many in the family don't know about him,he got excited to know about his papa)

JY: greetings to you too a'ying ,I am your sister, please call me yanli jie ,I hope we can spend a lot of time together when I stay here. I will tell you the things I know about uncle wei and also my place.

The Hua couple decided to leave their son at celestial mountain for a few days as he won't be coming for a few years because of his training, Guzi and Bai yue also came to accompany a'ying. Even the xia family also sent their children so the cousins can get along with each other since a'ying is the youngest of all he was pampered thoroughly.

Few days in celestial mountain Bai yue, Xia jiao and Jiang yanli grow close and they always dressed up a'ying or cooked delicious food for him when they get time from training.

Xue yang and Wei ning became friends and they stick together along with Nie huaisang and Zhao zhulio. Zhao zhulio is there in the group only to control them from being too mischievous while Wei ning is as usual our silent good boy. Jin zixuan and Meng yao broke the ice eventually and got closer, jin zixuan got a brother he never had while Meng yao finally got a nice father figure in the name of elder brother, though they decided to keep this secret from their father.

Gu zi and Xiao xingchen being the over protective brother and uncle tried their best to keep the girls away from their precious a'ying, Even though a'ying is still a child many girls and young ladies always surrounded him to play with them , but driven away by Gu Zi and Xiao xingchen even lan wangji helped them without Weiying's knowledge.

Lan wangji and Weiying as usual stick to each other at the time of training and even in other times, they are a very good pair and a match they also grow their golden core at the same time at the age of six though weiying is almost a year younger than Wangji. It only made wangji proud of weiying. He also wrote this to his brother about his friend though he didn't add details as instructed.

"Brother, I met my friend from yilling in celestial mountain , I want to introduce him to you but he is not allowed to go to cultivation world, also we grow our golden core, master said we are doing well in our cultivation training, we all will be arriving in few months "

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