where is wei wuxian

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Xielian and hua cheng"so a'ying will you be our son".

They were very nervous, their brain filled with unwanted questions "what if he doesn't like them","what if he rejects them ","what should they do ".They looked at him with a mixture of assurance and anxiety, assurance for him to believe in them and anxiety about his reaction.

"Then what should a'ying call you both now,can i call handsome uncle a'die and kind uncle baba" weiying asked curiously.

It took the supreme god and ghost a minute to register and process everything weiying said, when they understood what he meant their joy know no bounds, they both engulfed him into a tight yet secured hug with tears in their eyes, thanking him for trusting them, for accepting them, and promised him that they will never let him down.

After a few hours the family of three were outside to celebrate weiying's recovery and adoption. since weiying is registered in yilling itself, it became easy for them. since the three looked like a family they missed the eyes of various sect disciples searching for the child in their arms. They were in the market buying things weiying or now hua Ying would need like clothes, accessories, ink etc.When they were busy a'ying went out to see the toy stall across the shop.

He didn't look properly and crashed into a person who wore white and blue robes, he looked up to apologise,but gasped, he thought how pretty the gege before him is, the person before him didn't say anything but stared at him, realising it was his mistake he said"a'ying sorry pretty gege, a'ying didn't see you ,is gege ok, a'ying didn't hurt gege right"

The person before him didn't respond immediately,he looked at him for a moment before saying "it's alright"

"gege is very pretty, a'ying is with his parents, did gege come with gege's parents," he asked curiously.The person took another moment before answering.

"a'zhan came with xiongzhang, a'zhan father is at home, they said a'zhan mother is in far away place."lan wangji said sadly.

Sensing the sadness of the person in front of him huaying couldn't help but comfort him, he gave him the candy his a'die bought for him and hugged him much to the surprise of lan zhan.he slowly said "it's okay a'ying mama, papa went to far away place too, but baba said they loves me so much that is why they don't want to take me because I can get sick, your mother also must love you ,that is why she didn't take you with her" he gave him his best bunny teeth sunshine smile

Lan zhan was surprised,he never listened to such explanation, everyone said to him that mama went to far away place and will never come back,but no one said it like this,he thought the boy before him is correct, when they went to yunming and came here he was very tired already,if the journey is longer he will get sick, so that is why a'zhan's mama didn't take him, yes mama loved him a lot,so it is natural for her to be worried.Lan zhan felt happy with this conclusion,he looked at the person who is looking at him curiously.

"A'zhan thank you for telling mama's thoughts, xiongzhang says to always repay for help,a'zhan wants to repay your help,here this is a'zhan's favourite toy, a'zhan gives this to you " lan zhan said ,it is the longest speech he said after his mother's demise.He handed over the toy which is a rattle drum, then they heard someone called hua ying.

Hua cheng and xielian realised that their child is missing, they both panicked and looked around ,it didn't took much time because they saw their baby is near the stall just across the road speaking to someone from lan sect . They looked at each other and went near them.Hua cheng called him "a'ying,where did you go, it's not safe to go anywhere alone, please tell us before going look your baba and I were so nervous"the said child simply hug his legs and said "sorry a'die, a'ying want to see the toys,look they are pretty, and a'ying hit this pretty gege without seeing, pretty gege this is a'ying's a'die and a'ying's baba, a'die,baba pretty gege's mama also went faraway like a'ying's mama and papa"

The parents looked at the child ,the child bowed to them introducing himself" a'zhan greets a'ying's parents,this is lan zhan from lan sect "

Both of the parents share another look,they remember wen qing saying about him,lan zhan courtesy lan wangji, second young master of lan clan and second jade ,he supported weiying a lot and according to wenqing he and weiying are good friends. Xielian looked at the child tenderly, he was thankful for the child and sorry for his loss as well.

"Hello a'zhan,can I call you that"

Lan zhan nodded , as he felt the same aura he felt around his mother.

Hua cheng is looking at the child intently, something like fatherly instincts told him this child is just like him, it reminded him of himself when he protects his gege, brushed off all such thoughts by saying to himself that he is just overthinking, he must be a good friend to his son, that's it, nothing else,he comforted himself.

Xielian spoke to lan zhan for a while and in a short while the children got along with each other very well,now it is time for them to leave,but Hua Ying don't want to leave his new friend yet,so hua cheng gave lan jade one of his butterfly to communicate with his son ,in return he has to keep their identity a secret, especially HuaYing . They left the place after a short while.

The major sect side:

Four of the five major sects heirs were searching for the lost child in the streets of yilling, when Jiang fengmen gave the news that he can't find weiying,they panicked,how could this happen,they know weiying is here for sure, when they enquired the inn owner,he confessed everything and also said the child was thrown out of the inn , maybe in the streets now,the eldest Jiang never felt her blood boil like now, she hit the owner so hard that he fall on the ground,she may be weak compared to other cultivators, but she is stronger than this pathetic person, how dare he treat a child,her xianxian like that,no she shouldn't waste her time here,her baby a'xian might be in difficult situation,she should search for him.

That day ,the disciples of various sects for the first time saw a furious Jiang yanli who barked orders for a full fledged search, all the sect heirs followed and ordered to find the child as well,lan xichen also went to enquire in the nearby inns ,he brought his brother with him ,he went into the inn leaving a disciple with lan zhan, since lan zhan felt hungry and thirsty,the disciple also went to get food for him after saying to lan zhan to stay there and not to go anywhere. After a few minutes the disciple came back and saw a happy lan zhan playing with a butterfly, when he asked about it lanzhan replied that it was from a friend's parent he just met. Thinking of it as a small matter the disciple didn't take it seriously.lan xichen came back finding nothing.

By the end of the day , noone got any information about weiying as hua Cheng made sure that the child they have will be known as their child. But the cultivators got information about the child thrown out of the inn, was taken away by the men in red and white ,his head was injured, he called himself a'ying.they know it is weiying but they dreaded at the thought of someone red, what if they are wens, they all decided to go back to yunming and discuss this leaving behind some disciplines for searching further.

Meanwhile HuaYing visited the dafen wens which was requested by wen qing and wen ning who wants to see him before leaving , they promised him that they will join in a few years ,wen Qing already started the evacuation of the people to the village near puqi shrine and they can't find them because it is very long before war and they are going to change their surname as wei.After listening to full fledged plan,the fathers and son left for puqi shrine.

(As many requested wen ning also came back and he listened to what guangyao did as xue yang along with his past said everything to him,he said everything to wen qing the moment they came back, they also planned to get xue yang later and send him to the village with other dafen wens)

They all got the information they seek from the wen sect through one of their spies that there was no such child taken in by the wen sect in the past one week.
They breath a sigh of relief before thinking

Where on earth is weiwuxian

Thank you for reading,

I hope you like the chapter,

What do you think about the new family,

What about Jiang yanli,

Any suggestions about meng yao,wen qing and wen ning,

Meet you in the next one,

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