suspicions and conclusions

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The cultivation world is going on with their daily life as usual. In major sects

Jiang sect:

Jiang cheng: jiejie, it's almost a year,do you think something happened to him, there are many people who disappeared, maybe mengyao or the other who remember everything did something to him , afterall he is a child,or did he remember everything and hating us that is why he left .

Jiang yanli: i don't know a'cheng,but whatever we will try to find him and make it up to him, even if we have to kneel in front of him or kowtow i will, i just want him to be safe for now,i hope nothing happens to him and we can find him as early as possible, if anyone else came back we have to find out if they are friends or foes,wait there are little amount of people who know a'xian location and his parents death time,there is no chance any of the disappeared people know about this, everyone just know that a'xian is bought into the sect , it's just you,me and our parents,who else can know about it,it should be told by you ,me or a'xian himself,who else is close with a'xian. Nie gongzi,lan er gongzi, wen gongzi yes we contacted everyone but we didn't contact wen guniang and gongzi,they lived with him for years,they must know about this,if they are back then....then

Jiang cheng: yes jie jie ,we didn't check them, if the wens are back they will definitely take weiwuxian away,they also care about him afterall he saved their lives, but I don't think they will take him in,as it's not safe for him you know how is wens especially main family,if they know his skills and talents they may harm him or threat him to cooperate by using the dafen wens ,i don't think wen qing will let that happen .

Jiang yanli: we can atleast find a clue, let's contact others.

Lan sect:

Lan xichen felt like he is living his dream life, his father came out of seclusion,his brother is not like before but he is being very secretive always staying in jingshi, smiling to himself and being a bit more interactive,it's not like he is complaining, he  just wanted to know what happened then again his father is with them that must have cheered him up,so he didn't give it much thought, but he also noticed wangji's favourite toy was missing since they came from yilling.

It also went missing in the past when his brother visited yilling,his brother told that he gave it to a small boy who is in the street,he originally want to take him in but, he didn't got a chance because his uncle hurried them to go back, he also searched for such boy but he couldn't find him either,may be he is not there yet,but he assigned people in yilling,if atall they find any child they will be informed right away ,but then where did that rattle drum go. He asked wangji same question.

Lan xichen: a'zhan where did your toy go, did you lost it.

Lan wangji: no a'zhan gave it to his friend xiongzhang.

Lan xichen was surprised,but also happy his brother got a friend
Lan xichen:who is it, where did you meet your friend .

Lan wangji: a'zhan met him in yilling,he told me mama left a'zhan because she went on a long journey and a'zhan will get sick if i go on such a long trip,so mama don't want a'zhan and xiongzhang to feel pain so she didn't take a'zhan or xiongzhang with her.

Lanxichen: that's right a'zhan,what your friend said is true,he seems to be a very good boy,how old is he,can we meet him together next time.

Lan wangji: a'zhan don't know brother,his surname is hua my friend lives in faraway place,but if I meet him or his parents i will ask permission.
(Lan wangji: a'zhan didn't lie,he just didn't say the whole truth , a'zhan really doesn't know a'ying's whereabouts)

Lanxichen didn't find it strange yilling is not under any sect,so many cultivators goes here and there including rogue cultivators,so it's natural that some stay far away. He thought his brother would be cheerful if he had a friend,but it's okay once wei gongzi arrives his brother will be more than fine, until then he should take care of him that's it.this time he will make sure his brother is happy. but he is a bit worried,where is weigongzi, it's like he is missing some point, xichen saw only two people melt the wall around wangji his mother and weiwuxian,the boy in yilling street seems to have a bit affect,but may be it's just pity or curiosity.

Then he received the letter from Jiang sect, stating the conclusion Jiang yanli came with,they are preparing for the next conference in wen sect anyways,he and his father came go there along with Jian heirs and jin heir,nie mingjue may not come because he may still hold his resentment towards wens. The butterfly which is roaming around him till then went back with wangji.

Meanwhile a man in red robes saw everything and smirked

Nie sect :

Nie mingjue received a letter from Jiang clan while practicing , It's about weiwuxian's whereabouts, that boy is not close to him,but he is very close to his brother,his brother always spoke highly of him, but due to all rumours spread around them he could not see, though almost all the truth were out may be there are more, though he hated wens,he wants to see the wens protected by that boy,what made him protect them as it is clear that it is not to create an army.

Nie mingjue thought he should definitely go.

Jin sect :

Jin zixuan is busy with everything he don't know where the hell his brother in law went , even his half brother disappeared,where are all the people,he just prayed for the safety of his brother in law, though they don't get along well,he developed a soft corner about him after his marriage

Speaking of marriage he is missing his wife,he wondered how much long he has to wait before his wedding if it's upto him he will marry her today,what to do when he said it to his mother she laughed and said they are still children, but this is unfair both of them are not children they are full adults inside even had a child when he is sulking he received a letter from Jiang sect ,he opened and read excited, it's his yanli, she wrote about everything and also her suspicions ,jin zixuan felt the pride, that's his wife,smart and calm . He admired the letter for a few more moments before turning to work again preparing himself for the upcoming conference on next month.

Dafen wens:
Wen qing looked around the sect.The evacuation is almost done,there are only few people in the sect are  young men and women, children are gone with parents and middle age and older were also sent away, wen Ning went to the celestial mountain with other three,if i am not wrong lan er gongzi will join very  soon .

That ice face better know his feelings early or else i myself personally will get rid of him,humph confused my didi alot, it's not like my a'xian is any less but atleast he didn't get a break to think about the relationship but that ice face continued to be silent till the end, if he hesitated again this time, i am sure hua gongzi won't show any mercy, i purposely avoided this particular subject infront of them because it's personal at first and later after seeing hua gongzi possessive i thought if he know he will already be going for lan er gongzi's head, so no, lan gongzi you have to be  thankful to me later, there will be a conference i should attend next month,the medical skills can be hidden a bit so, i will be safe, since xue yang is not here hope my uncle wouldn't attract to the yin iron but if he did it's his karma, nothing to do with me. My uncle wants power but it became worse since he got his hands on yin iron ,if he avoided it he wouldn't have done such things as he treated us very well before.

Hah hope my didis are fine.

Puqi shrine:

Hua cheng is very irritated, he looks at the gods infront of him who were smiling and playing passing the parcel game, apparently his son is the parcel in the game .they are passing him to each other hugging him and laughing at his reactions. Your highness went somewhere for something while i was here to take care of my baby before this idiots arrived, we were enjoying our dad son moment but they have to interrupt.

It all started a few months ago,that day too him and a'ying were playing in puqi shrine and his highness went to collect scrap when someone intruded ,hua cheng looked very angry when the person shouted

"Hua cheng did you kidnap a child now"

Thank you for reading ,

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Who do you think is the intruder,

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A'ying bonding with everyone,

Wen qing confronting cultivators,

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