celestial mountain

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"What should we do now"

Xie lian came back after making sure a'ying is fully asleep.

Everyone thought for a while and shared their opinion. They concluded

Let's not involve Huaying in mortal issues, he will be sixteen to eighteen when the war comes, that time he would be in training in ghost realm or heaven. As for his friends, they wouldn't want him to be involved either, the puqi shrine is distant from the cultivation world, wen qing will shift here within few years if the plan works she will come in two years.

About Jiang yanli it's ok she won't reveal anything about Hua Ying as she will not know his whereabouts, but the parents really want to meet her, afterall she saved their child.

The meeting was concluded and everyone went back to their respective homes, Xielian and Hua Cheng joined Huaying and lied down.

HC: gege do you think we save him.

XL: We don't think San Lang, we must save him, no matter what, he is our precious son, a gift of fate to us, otherwise we wouldn't have him. Now that we have him we will protect him with all our might. Didn't we feel the pain when we saw him hurt and crying today. Do you think we can bear it if he goes through all the sufferings again , that's why we will never let our son enter the cultivation world.

(He suddenly got an idea to tease Hua cheng a bit and also lighten the mood, knowing how possessive he is)

Even if his soulmate is in there ,let him/her come and find him here, if he is my a'ying's soulmate he will definitely come. We will check and then let him marry.

HC: gege what are you talking about he is still a baby, there will be no marriage until he is atleast a few hundred years old, we married after hundreds of years, my baby will be the same, we will test anyone who came thoroughly and then let them be with my a'ying, it will atleast take a few hundred years,then he have to stay with us, my a'ying will not go anywhere.

XL: san Lang you are being over possessive again.

HC: It's not like that gege, it's just that I want the best for our baby and I want to know if his partner can take good care of him.

XL: we will give him the best then. Good night San Lang.

They slept a bit early as they need to go to celestial mountain tomorrow.

Next Day:

Weiying can't wait to go to the celestial mountain, he missed his grandmother, uncle, Lan zhan and friends , they said they made more friends and they will introduce them to him when he comes, he couldn't come for two months because his uncles from Heaven and Ghost city are continuously visiting from time to time after he was introduced as the official heir , he likes everyone except his Qi rong shushu as he always say that he wants to kidnap a'ying as Guzi ge's playmate, Guzi ge is very good but he wants to be with his adie and papa forever.

As soon as they arrived at celestial mountain Hua Ying ran straight to his grandmother's pavillion where his grandmother, grandfather and uncle were waiting for him, he jumped and straightly landed in his uncles arms.

HY: dajiu a'ying missed you alot.

XX: dajiu missed a'ying too, how are you doing these days.

Hy: a'ying is doing good, you know i learnt writing and papa is training me for swords, and uncle feng is teaching me archery.

Xx: awe, let's see how much my a'ying learnt later ok.

BS: only uncle gets all love , grandma and grandpa gets nothing,huh.

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