wen qing

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Now the time came to bring wangji to the celestial mountain , xiao chufeng and xiao xingchen both arrived at the lan clan and announced about them recruiting one heir to teach in each sect, so they choose lan wangji from the lan sect. Lan qiren was so proud of his nephew and agreed almost immediately, qingheng jun and lan xichen were also happy but they want to know wangji's opinion, yes wangji is talanted but he is still a small child, if he don't want to go, lan xichen won't force him, neither he will let anyone force him, he already did a big mistake with wangji, when he called for wangji, he wasn't sure if his brother will agree , it also didn't happen in the past timeline,did the butterfly effects started, baoshan sanren is taking guest discipline is too shocking and suspicious, but if the immortal herself want to teach his brother it's a great opportunity for him.

When his brother arrived he explained everything to wangji and asked if he wanted to go, but he was shocked when wangji immediately agreed, he was told about this yesterday by huaying. He was excited to see huaying, he could see huaying monthly once as he visits his grandmother, the trio started their trip towards lanling jin, when jin guangshan tried to find anything they just sent a glare towards him and picked up jin zixuan.

Nie huaisang was also taken in much to the pleasure of mingjue ,he just hoped his brother gets stronger and could protect himself. Then they went to the Jiang sect, god they don't want anything to do with this place but a'ying's shijie is someone he loved so much. Yu ziyuan didn't make it easy, she wants Jiang Cheng to go but they denies saying they always choose spare heirs over heirs, the jin and nie clan didn't have any so they took in the sole heir and if it's Jiang yanli, jin zixuan can spend some time with her.With this logic everyone agreed and all of the children were taken to  the celestial mountain.

All of the future travellers were suspicious about the sudden occurrence, like seriously, weiying and others disappeared and baoshan sanren weiying's grandmother appeared out of nowhere and took in the children, what's going on Jiang yanli thought maybe the immortal remembered that's why she took a'xian back, but why did she want  us or did a'xian remember everything and went to his grandmother. whatever she just hope she could see her a'xian.

Jin zixuan was also anxious why so many things were changing, first people who are supposed to exist disappeared and then people who aren't supposed to appear appeared. whatever as long as he is with his yanli.

Nie huaisang is oblivious to everything and doesn't know whether to be happy about the sudden change or to be sad. He doesn't like cultivation with sabar nor with a sword. He was always forced by his dage, hope immortal will understand his interest and cut him some slack.

Dafen village :

Here in the dafen village the day is as normal as it can be.there are not many old people or children in the village as they already shifted them to other place, only unmarried young people live in the village along with wen qing, wen qing already made up a story to wen rouhan that many people died in the last storm and wen ning ran away from home because of the continuous problems , wen rouhan already sent some men to search for wen Ning but since he is in celestial mountain it's not use. Wen qing didn't show any skills and portrayed herself as an ordinary doctor, to wen rouhan is still not interested in her.

That day a few of the villagers came to buy some essentials in the market under the mountain only to find an injured lady in white on the way. They took her back to the village , to the clinic where wen qing is working. Wen qing recognised the woman was from lan clan and a little less than  her parents age but she didn't see her before, that doesn't concern now, she have to first save her, it seems that she came across many puppets and got injured while fighting. Wen qing asked if there were any puppets around but the witnesses said no, then the woman encountered them in wen clan borders and escaped them, but fell unconscious afterwards.

After the injuries were treated the woman woke up in the afternoon and introduced herself while trying to salute

Lady: thank you for saving me young lady, i am lan fimei from the lan clan.

Wen qing : please don't get up, your injuries are not life threatening but severe and may hurt a lot, i already gave you pain killer medicine, please take rest.

Lan fimei: yes ,thank you.

Now wen qing remembered.Lan fimei is  one of the lan elders and cousin sister of lan shiqing and lan qiren. As the only sister in the family she was pampered, along with the sword she mostly carries her spiritual whip Guang (glorious/light) which was named after her courtesy name lan guang. She was in seclusion for all these years for helping lan madam. She stayed in seclusion for her life in guilt and died in wen attack. That's why wen qing couldn't recognise her .

She came out now after her sister in law died and her brother came  out of seclusion because lan xichen convinced her to come out. She stays in the sect for nine months and travels for the rest of the three months. Apparently while traveling in wen sect she was attacked and saved by dafen wen people. Wen qing sighed and went into her room to prepare medicine for the rest of the patients.

Lan fimei slept till the evening and later she couldn't sleep properly so she looked around the room and a painting got her attention. She immediately tried to get up and look at the painting, but  much to her dismay she fell down on the bed again and the objects near her bed fell down making a loud noise alerting wen qing.

Wen qing ran towards the room only to find an anxious fimei trying to get up and look at something. She made her settle down and looked for the thing that made fimei this anxious. Apparently it's her mother's family painting. She took it out and caressed her mother's face before giving it to fimei  after warning her to be careful.

Wen qing is not in contact with her mother's maternal family because there is no one except her younger sister in the family and her mother doesn't want to involve her in the wen clans mess. After marrying her father wen shi heng, her mother xiao qiao yun didn't have any contact with her sister as she also became a rogue cultivator.when her mother died wen qing knew nothing except the name and the young face of her aunt. Their parents died when they were both teenagers. Her thoughts were broken when fimei asked her something.

Lan fimei: what....what is wan zi .....wan zi doing here, why is her painting here.

Wen qing thought the lan lady and her aunt were acquainted,maybe she will know the whereabouts of her aunt. So she replied

qing:  this is my mother's family painting before she got married, the one you said wan zi is my aunt from mother's side xiao wan zi. Do you know my aunt, elder  lan ? Do you know where she is now?

Lan fimei was shocked, it's her first time to see any of wan zi's family, she knows wan zi had an elder sister but except that nothing. She doesn't know what to reply after looking into the hopeful eyes of wen qing to know her aunt's whereabouts.

That is it for today,

Hope you like the chapter,

What do you think will happen now ?

Will hua Ying meet the heirs in the celestial mountain?

What will fimei do now after knowing wen qing?

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