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Hey people. This was originally a fanfic requested by a close friend of mine that eventually became an entire book that I've been writing on and off for a while, and I'm so happy to share it with all of you.

DISCLAIMER: All Riordanverse characters belong to Rick Riordan, and all MCU characters belong to Marvel Studios. Only the OCs, Persephone Di Angelo, Jonathan Miller, Ethan Weaver, Seraphina and Azrael Demas, Axar Cain, Logan Stone, Maxwell Stone, Elise Sekundaar, Mara Hintzen, Violet Cain, Scarlett Cain, Alice, Jett Hall, Jack Harvey, Timothy Lee, Chloe Ford, Hanna Keris, Ashton Layne, Delilah Hartman, Aria Blackwell, Declan O'Brien, Nakoa and Aiden Markov and any other characters you have never heard of, and the plot belong to me.

(Takes place between Avengers 2012 and CA: WS in July 2013. Percy is 20, and Nico is 18 or 81)

TW: Mentions of Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and other mental illnesses. It also includes some panic attacks. If any of these triggers you, please do not read.

I mean it. Mental health is important.

Onto the story :)

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