Chapter 14

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"So. You're here to learn battle strategy and response from me. You will treat me like a teacher, and I will not tolerate any disrespect and rude comments to myself or others, and I will not tolerate back talk. If you have any issues with this, please contact Chiron or Percy. Any questions?" I asked.

Annabeth spoke up, "What are you going to teach us that we haven't learned already?"

"You'll be learning a lot of stuff." I vapor traveled behind Katie Gardener, placing an ice dagger to her neck. "Travis, kill Connor, or Katie dies," I commanded. Travis drew his sword but seemed lost as he looked desperately between his brother and girlfriend. I released Katie and stepped away from her. "See? This kind of hesitation would have resulted in death. These training sessions are to eliminate that hesitation. I'll show you an example of what a proper reaction would look like." I spied Nico and Percy walking to the infirmary together. I turned back to my group. "Is there anyone here who Percy and Nico don't know very well?" Some new camper raised her hand. I began making a plan. "I need you to take this dagger," I handed her a dagger, "run up behind Nico, put the dagger to his neck, and say to Percy, 'if you don't hand yourself over now, Nico dies,' Can you do that?" She looked pretty nervous, but she nodded and ran off.

I Vapor traveled everyone there, hiding the campers behind trees, bushes, benches, and anything I could find. We watched as the girl wrapped an arm around Nico's waist, placing the dagger at his neck and yelling, "Hand yourself over, or he dies!" Percy's eyes took all of this in milliseconds, whipping two guns out of seemingly nowhere, pointing one at her head and the other at his own.

"Release him, or I pull both triggers," he threatened, his eyes glowing with power. "And I'm not bluffing; you know what my fatal flaw is," he growled. At that, I stepped out from the tree I was hiding behind and clapped slowly.

"Bravo, bravo," I drawled. "You can release him, kid." The girl let him go and ran to me, and Percy stored his guns wherever they came from in thin air and glared at me as he and Nico walked over.

"What was that for?" Nico whined. "I could have killed her! The only reason I didn't was because her heartbeat was too fast for someone calm enough to threaten me." He slung his arm over my shoulder, and I leaned into him.

"You know I would have actually pulled the trigger, right?" Percy hissed in my ear when he reached me.

"Yes, but some of the campers needed a demonstration," I held out my hands, and all campers stepped out of their hiding spots, eyes wide with shock. Percy pursed his lips as he looked around at everyone who had witnessed him channeling his inner S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

"You know what? I might as well just stop trying to hide the fact that I literally kill and torture people for a living and just be myself," murmured Percy so only Nico and I could hear. He shrugged, "It seems like everything is gonna come out anyways, one by one; why not let it all out?"

Nico smirked, "I like where this is going. Well, I have to go. Will is expecting me in the infirmary to help out. However, I still don't know why he wants a child of the god of the freaking Underworld to work in a place where they're trying to keep people from dying." He walked away with a grin.

"You should take everyone back to the arena and finish the training session," suggested Percy, patting my shoulder and walking away. I nodded and gathered everyone, Vapor Traveling them back to the arena.

Once my training rotations were done, it was around 9, and everyone gathered in the dining pavilion for dinner. I was exhausted. Who knew dealing with many stuck-up children could take such a toll on the mind? I joined the seven and Nico at Hades' table, listening to Nico and Percy talk about work.

"Did you hear that Omega killed another crime lord the other night?" Asked Nico, looking at his S.H.I.E.L.D.-issued demigod-safe phone.

I smirked as I saw Percy try to hide a laugh with a cough. "Yeah, I heard he killed the other 30 or so people in the building as well, seeing as they were all in on it anyway."

"I would pay to meet him," remarked Nico. "He seems like a good criminal. Kinda like you, Percy." Percy choked and broke into a coughing fit. If only he knew. 


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Imagine how cool it would be to have a pet quokka

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