Chapter 26

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The morning after our sleepover, we went to breakfast and decided to sit together at the Poseidon table. Most of us either didn't have anyone in our cabins or we didn't get along with our cabinmates. I put a jam-filled cornetto on my plate with a hot cup of black coffee. I sat between Percy (who had... is that cereal with coffee instead of milk?) and Hazel, who, unlike other people, had a typical breakfast of pancakes and sausages.

Breakfast went on as expected, and we had the most random conversations ranging from talking about the Hercules movie we watched yesterday to who was a 'smash or pass.' I had no idea what that meant, so I asked Percy.

"If you smash a person, you'd go out with them, and they're hot. If you pass them, they're not hot, and you wouldn't go out with them," Percy explained, leaning over to me. "Well, at least that's the PG version that they're playing," he added. Soon, all other conversations ended, watching the girls play smash or pass, talking about some of the newer campers. They noticed the lack of discussion and extended their game to us.

"Hey Percy, smash or pass Jason," Piper said with a mischievous grin. Percy returned her smile with a sinister one, slipping on his Agent Whirlpool mask. It was obvious that Jason liked Percy. My hyper-sensitive 'gaydar' said so. I didn't know about Percy, but maybe there was a chance they could get together.

"Smash," he said, smiling maliciously as Jason choked on his water, face bright red. Percy looked Jason straight in the eyes, betraying no emotion, as he said, "Leo, smash or pass Piper."

"Pass, she's like a sister to me," Leo said as if nothing had ever happened between Percy and Jason.

The game continued, Jason still a bright red from Percy's response. We would laugh about it for years to come. Percy and I eventually opted out of the game, watching from the sidelines. Percy had his head propped up on his fist, boredly watching the campers eat and talk around him. As if someone had called his name, he sat up straight in the blink of an eye, looking alertly around the room. I listened to the little conversations around us to see if anything was happening.

Then they all stopped.

Every. Single. One.

I looked up from my croissant to see everyone staring. At a figure. At the main entrance to the pavilion. His arm was on fire. The whispers started immediately.

Did you see how fast he ran? Who is he? Is he on fire? He's kinda hot, not gonna lie. I'll admit, that last one was an Aphrodite kid. The figure looked at his arm like he was just realizing it was on fire and patted it out.

The figure searched the pavilion before his eyes landed on us. More specifically, Percy, who stared back. Percy took a sip of water, not dropping his gaze.

Then, the figure moved. So fast that he was a blur. He crossed the distance between our table and the entrance in a second. He stood at the table's edge, next to Percy, looking down at him. Percy continued eating his cereal like there wasn't a dude staring down at him. Looking at him up close, I recognized him. This was the famous Logan Stone, the Mafia boss of the Stone family.

"Long time no see," Logan drawled.

"Does Max know you're here?" Percy's eyes remained on the pavilion in front of him.

"Yeah, he knows I'm here. He also knows that your brother sent me here," Logan answered. He looked at Percy intently, like he wanted something but couldn't ask for it here.

Percy, as if he had sensed Logan's gaze, sighed. He held up his arm to Logan, making him grin. Logan grabbed his forearm arm and sunk his teeth into it. Hazel yelped, along with, like, everyone else at camp, but Percy held his other hand up, unfazed.

"Logan's a vampire. He needs sustenance. After all, he did run all the way from his headquarters in New York. By the way, why were you on fire?" Percy asked.

"There was an apartment fire on the way here. Got an old Lady out. I got set on fire, so I patted it out, but I guess I missed a part," Logan said after finishing his drink of Percy's blood. His insanely long canines were dripping red with blood.

I smiled. "He's kinda hot; I can see why you dated him," I said. Jason, for the second time today, choked on his water. Everyone else looked at Percy in surprise.

"He is hot, isn't he? It runs in the family. His brother is hotter, though," Percy joked. Logan feigned being hurt, moving behind Percy and resting his forearms on Percy's shoulders.

"Percy, you're gay?" Piper asked. "How did I not notice? In fact, how did any of the Aphrodite kids not notice? Normally, we can tell, you know."

"Well, actually, I'm pansexual, although I do lean toward men, and there's this thing where you can mask your feelings and all behind a shield of magic, so I was able to hide it and avoid rumors," Percy answered. The murmurs arose around the camp once more. Percy ignored them all.

"Why would my brother send you, of all people?" Percy asked Logan, who, in response, shrugged. Logan slipped his shirt off, at which moment I noticed the entire back part of his shirt was gone, burned off.

"How am I supposed to know? Maybe there was nobody else. Also, do you have a shirt?" Percy sighed, reaching into the Duat and pulling out a black muscle shirt. Logan slipped it on and slid into the seat beside Percy, taking a sip from his bowl of coffee.

Percy glared at Logan before standing up. "Everybody!" He yelled, effectively getting everyone's attention, including Chiron and Dionysus. "This is Logan Stone, and he's here to help train your campers in agility and response."

Clarisse stood up at the Ares table. "Isn't he a mafia boss?" The murmurs started up at once. Percy dated a mafia boss? Do you think they're still together? What about Annabeth? Speaking of which, Annabeth sat at the Athena table, surveying us carefully with narrowed eyes.

Logan drummed his fingers on the table. "I may be a mafia boss, but my family doesn't engage in certain... activities like the other families." He winced. "Those we kill are those who don't deserve to live and have blood on their hands."

Percy pulled out his phone, looking at the time. "Well, would you look at that? Breakfast is over," he said innocently. He stood up and walked out of the Pavilion, his twitching fingers the only sign of anger.

"Do vampires have super-speed? Is that how you moved so fast? "I asked Logan, who was idly drumming his fingers once more.

"Yeah, it's a skill from old times when we needed to move fast to capture and subdue people to get blood," he grimaced. "Now, there are demigods and mortals who understand our need for blood and are willing to give up a little to help us survive." Logan got up and walked off, following Percy. Eventually, the chatter died, and everyone left to do chores or train. 


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