Chapter 5

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"Me~li~" Andrea singsonged, her expression carefully plastered with a stiff smile as she stood menacingly over her kneeling brother. "Care to explain to me what in the seven hells you were doing in Elizabeth's bed? Hmm?"

"Lady Andrea, really, this is normal-" Elizabeth panicked, trying to diffuse the situation, but was brought up short by Andrea's sickeningly sweet smile.

"Elizabeth, sweetie, you are an absolute treasure but I would rather you not defend him," Andrea said gently before returning her attention back to Meliodas.

"I mean, now that Ban's gone Elizabeth has her room back, but it doesn't feel the same to sleep alone after all this time, y'know?" Meliodas said shamelessly with a blank look.

"I don't know who this Ban person is, but what I'm getting from this conversation is that you climbing into Elizabeth's bed was a regular thing, and you have no intention of repenting. Am I correct?" Andrea asked, her aura starting to darken as an irk mark appeared on her forehead.

"Yep!" Meliodas replied cheerfully a millisecond before Andrea flicked his forehead, sending him tumbling into the wall behind him.

"L-Lady Andrea is quite intimidating," Arthur stammered as he cleaned his plate from breakfast.

"She's not a woman to take lightly, that's for sure," Slader said with admiration. "She's as cool as Big Sister!"

"The captain is currently being dominated by his younger sister. The power of siblings is indeed something quite interesting," Gowther observed blankly as he looked up from his book.

"Lady Andrea! U-um... could you teach me how to brew tea as delicious as yours? Yesterday's lavender tea was lovely!" Elizabeth asked, trying to deflect Andrea's attention away from Meliodas.

"Absolutely. Just give me one more minute, Elizabeth," Andrea said, cracking her knuckles. "I hope you haven't forgotten the rules of when you piss me off... right?" she asked.

"Wouldn't dream of it!" Meliodas said, hopping to his feet.

"Wait, no fighting in the tavern-!" King exclaimed a moment before Andrea and Meliodas extended their fists towards each other.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" they shouted, aggressively throwing out the exact same hand. "Again! Rock, paper-"

"What the hell is this deja vu I'm feeling?" Hawks deadpanned as he snarfed down his bowl of scraps.

"It is about 65.8 percent similar to the energy Ban and the Captain give off when they arm wrestle," Gowther said with a peace sign. "Sparkle."

"I win!" Meliodas said triumphantly after dozens of repetitions of getting the same hand. "Now you can't be mad at me anymore," he said with a sly grin.

"So it seems," Andrea said with a blank smile, then turned around and walked towards Elizabeth. "Now, let's start off by boiling some hot water.

"Oh crap," Meliodas said with a sweat drop, scratching the back of his head.

"What's wrong? Lady Andrea said that she won't be mad anymore," Arthur asked, tilting his head.

"Y'see, that's not Andrea when she isn't mad," Meliodas said, jabbing a thumb towards where Andrea was conjuring a small ball of flame to boil a kettle of water. "Our little game works on the small stuff, but when she's this peeved... She gets scarily quiet and starts ignoring me," he pouted.

"What do you do then?" Arthur asked.

"Pray to whatever I can that she'll stop being mad," Meliodas said with a two finger salute.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Seven Deadly Sins: Zeldris x OC)Where stories live. Discover now