Chapter 13

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"Sh*t- Andrea, get out of here right now!" Meliodas screamed as he felt the distinct presence of the other Ten Commandments closing in, pushing her behind him.

Andrea opened her mouth momentarily to protest, then quickly closed it as she bit her bottom lip, drawing blood. She was fully aware of the limits her magic had in the real world, and her physical prowess wasn't nearly enough to go toe-to-toe with the entirety of the Ten Commandments like Meliodas possibly could. All she could do was retreat for the moment and study the situation.

...Or so Meliodas thought.

What he didn't know was that "Dreaming Sheep"'s capabilities had evolved since the last time Andrea had a real battle... and he should've known that Purgatory would be a land of sunshine and dandelions before she left Meliodas to fight a battle without doing something.

She let herself fall into her own shadow, floating in its pitch black depths as she focused on the sounds above her. Ten pairs of feet... they're missing a Commandment, she mused, then focused on Meliodas's familiar magical signature. She frowned at the other signature right in front of him, sensing that it was the biggest threat that she had the capability to contain, the one with the strangely warped magic too strong for even "Dreaming Sheep" to trap for long.

She curled a hand into a fist, then unfurled it to reveal a pair of spell beads. She held one up to her eye, as if puzzling out how to use it, then flicked her wrist to desummon them. "I only have one shot," she murmured, her claws absorbing the shadows around her and dyeing a matte black.

She crouched, the shadows forming a spring underneath her as she was launched back upwards. Just as she breached the edge of the ground, she could see Meliodas leap backwards while summoning his severed arm back to his body. His eyebrows rose to his hairline as his expression practically screamed What the hell are you doing here?!, but she was undeterred. She had just enough time to let a brief smile grace her lips before her claws detached from her hands to form a cage around her target. Knowing that she didn't have much time to make a move before the cage was destroyed, she crushed one of the spellbeads between her fingers with a crunch, a Perfect Cube appearing around the two. Just as her cage was destroyed, Andrea shadow-stepped behind her target, covering his eyes with her hands.

"Dreaming Sheep: Box Garden of Memories", she chanted, focusing her magic into his mindscape. The world around her fell away as her own consciousness followed after his, her presence necessary for the spell to hold for longer than a few seconds.

Once she regained her bearings, she was face to face with the person who had caused her the greatest amount of confusion within the past three thousand years of her life. She tilted her head with a blank smile, then said, "Greetings, Prince Zeldris."



Andrea sighed as she swung on one of the many chains draping over the area, a bit annoyed at how persistent the Demon Prince was. Almost as soon as she had greeted him, Zeldris had rushed headlong at her and tried to cut her in half with his short sword. However, like the last time he tried that, his blade merely phased through her.

"Release me, damn you!" Zeldris growled, slicing through the chain Andrea was swinging on as a last resort. Andrea fell towards the ground as the chain dissipated, but she smoothly landed on the ground without much trouble.

"This area may be your mind, but under my magic ability, you're powerless until I let you out. What a shame. If only you had a bit more mental preparation, you might have had a bit more power here" Andrea said, dusting off the skirt of her dress before waving a finger, a chair dancing into existence and plopping itself behind her. She flopped backwards, crossing her legs as she stared up at Zeldris, who had landed on the ground a few feet away from her. "I have to say, though, your mindscape is drastically different from my own," she observed, looking around. The area, unlike her own field of green clovers, white flowers, and clear blue sky, was a rather dreary, blank place. The rocky terrain was a dusty gray, the muted silver sky draped with large iron chains. The entire thing screamed "trapped", making Andrea feel more than a little skittish.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Seven Deadly Sins: Zeldris x OC)Where stories live. Discover now