Chapter 12

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    "You b**cha*s motherf**ker!! Leave Elizabeth out of this!!" Andrea screamed, her magic power beginning to come off in waves around her as the illusionary spell Merlin cast upon her ears, in order to not stand out as much, threatened to fall apart. Seen only by her, the bells on her ears began to become enshrouded with darkness, her rage building as she glared daggers at Gloxinia and Drole. Meliodas was equally furious as Ban attempted to go to Elaine, who was paired with Elizabeth, but was stopped by Gloxinia's vines.

    "Sir Meliodas, Lady Andrea! Please don't worry about me and focus on your own fights!" Elizabeth called up with a determined glint in her eye.

    "F**king hell!" Andrea spat as she whirled around, studying her surroundings. Based on the fact that nobody else was fighting, it would be safe to assume that the fights would be occurring one at a time. Based on her position, Andrea and the Silver Knight's fight would be second to last. She glanced over at her opponents - Oslo and Matrona - then, deeming them not a threat at the moment, turned her attention back towards Elizabeth and Elaine's fight with the two assassins. Her relief at Elaine's strength in combat was quickly overshadowed by her rage and worry at Elizabeth being stuck down, but the girls won in the end. While she felt sorry for Elizabeth, for her efforts to heal the assassins went in vain, she couldn't bring herself to feel even an ounce if sympathy towards those who dared to hurt her family.

    "It's a relief that your lady friend is safe," the Silver Knight suddenly said, his voice muffled by his helmet.

    "...Yes. Yes, she's safe," Andrea murmured, more to herself than anything. "She won't die..."

    Andrea's eyes were drawn to Meliodas and Ban's battle against the blue demons, her sharp animal ears picking up bits and pieces of what they were bickering over as the demons quickly died in the crossfire of their childish banter. She groaned as she registered the perverted conversation, making a note to smack some sense into both men once everything was over. Although.... she had to agree that Elizabeth was indeed the best.

    King and Diane's fight made her deadpan for the most part, instilling the impression that all the men of the Seven Deadly Sins were perverts, but she had to admit that the power of the current Fairy King wasn't anything to sniff about. She also giggled over the surprising power of the dopey-looking King golem, taking note of their mutual feelings for each other that just failed to be communicated.

    Finally, Escanor and Gowther's battle came around. This was the battle that she was genuinely worried about. One of the teams must die... but both of them were allies, especially Hawk. She gazed worriedly at her little brother as he was smacked away by Gowther, vowing to return the favor tenfold to the doll, and her unease grew heavier as Escanor was trapped by Gowther's "Nightmare Teller". However, her eyebrow rose almost to her hairline as she witnessed the scrawny mustached man grow into an extremely buff mustached man, the heat radiating from him reaching even her, who was on the stone finger farthest from him. She quickly glanced at the Silver Knight, as his armor must've been baking him by then, but he showed no outward signs of discomfort.

    When Escanor prepared to launch his attack towards the one who dared to toy with another's heart, Andrea glanced over to Meliodas. Their eyes met, and his subtle wink told her that their plan was close to commencing. Once the smoke from Escanor's attack cleared away, she took the opportunity of the incapacitated Commandments to jump across the stone hand over to Elizabeth. As expected, the vines weren't in any condition to attack the newcomer, those with enough vigor to move getting quickly chopped to pieces by Morpheus Willow.

    "Lady Andrea, what's happening?" Elizabeth asked worriedly as Meliodas lept towards the Fairy and Giant Kings.

    "Sh*t's about to hit the fan," Andrea replied with a grin, stabbing Morpheus Willow into the ground. It immediately sprouted, thick tree roots snaking around the princess and Elaine until they were protected by a large webbed dome of tree roots.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Seven Deadly Sins: Zeldris x OC)Where stories live. Discover now