Chapter 11

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Some time after King left the Seven Deadly Sins to search for a Giant girl named Diane, flyers began raining from the air out of nowhere.

    "'In the coming days, Vaizel will be holding its big Fighting Festival, and the champion will be awarded the right to have "any wish fulfilled".'...?" Meliodas pondered as he pored over the paper in his hands. "Now, that's a very appealing prize! I could build an addition to the inn... it's getting cramped in here."

    "Shouldn't you go all out and ask for an entirely new one? Revamp the place while you're at it," Andrea pointed out, sipping her peppermint tea as she cooked lunch with her free hand. Most of the work was done with magic, so all she really needed to do was make sure the food didn't burn and taste test. Meliodas nodded at her suggestion as the rest of the tavern protested, saying that it was definitely a trap set by the Ten Commandments.

    "Now, now, now," Meliodas drawled as Gilthunder looked obviously excited behind him. Andrea giggled slightly when she saw how much the young man idolized her older brother as she rolled the finished omelets onto the awaiting rice, slicing them open and drizzling a creamy herb sauce over the dishes. "The signal from Escanor's also stopped, so let's drop by," he suggested.

    "A-are you sure? Or is this some kind of plan of attack?" Howzer asked.

    "Nope! It just sounds fun is all!" Meliodas grinned, punching his fist into his open palm. Howzer and Hendrickson toppled over, Gilthunder pumped his fist in excitement, and Andrea bonked the top of Meliodas's head with a plate.

    "Enough goofing off and eat. If we're really going to that festival, then you need to fuel up and acclimate your body with your power further," she scolded, waving a hand to send the rest of the plates towards the others as she set the plate in her hand in front of Meliodas. "Elizabeth, would you like a refill of your tea?" she called over, walking to the princess and sitting next to her.

    "Oh, thank you very much!" Elizabeth said, holding up her cup as the floating teapot next to Andrea pouring out steaming peppermint tea. "Lady Andrea, are you sure that we shouldn't stop Sir Meliodas?" she asked meekly as she stared into her cup.

    "Once Meli has his mind set on something, nothing will convince him otherwise. Besides, so what if it's a trap? That's Two Commandments down," Andrea shrugged, calmly sipping her tea.

*Famous last words-*


    "I knew having a questionable sense of direction would screw us over some day, Meli," Andrea deadpanned as they stood in front of a large pile of dead Earth Crawlers.

    "A sense of direction means nothing in a maze," he shrugged as he sliced a few chunks of meat from an Earth Crawler, Andrea shooting a small fireball at the pile of kindling.

    "Aall righty then. Time to have a taste of this thing," Meliodas chirped as he began roasting the chunks of meat over the fire.

    "I knew I could count on you, Meliodas, Lady Andrea! You took out so many of those things on your own!" Arthur gushed enthusiastically.

    "I just knocked them out so I could pinch a bit of their meat! Now, let's see if this will mark the birth of a new dish or not," Meliodas pondered as he deftly twirled the meat over the fire, roasting every square inch of it to perfection.

    "I still marvel over the fact that you can cook something to visual perfection yet still screw it up," Andrea chuckled as she accepted one of the pieces of meat, but kept it far away from her face; Meliodas had forgotten that she was a vegetarian. Arthur, the innocent summer child he was, bit into it as Meliodas did the same.

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