Chapter 6

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    "Elizabeth, watch your step," Andrea warned as she guided the princess over a particularly rough patch of rocks, then nimbly jumping over them despite her thick heels.

    "You guys doing okay back there?" Meliodas asked, looking back.

    "Yes," Elizabeth answered with a smile, which dimmed slightly when Meliodas turned away. She gazed at Zaneri's back curiously, her thoughts written all over her face.

    "Don't worry about her," Andrea said suddenly, breaking the silence.

    "H-huh?" Elizabeth asked, flustered by Andrea's statement.

    "Zaneri. Her puppy crush on Meli is painfully obvious to both of us, but that's it. Meli will never look her way," Andrea answered with a dismissive snort.

    "Is... that so?" Elizabeth said, perking up, before slumping over again. "Of course... because he still loves Lady Liz," she murmured to herself.

    "Liz? Who's that?" Andrea asked, tilting her head curiously.

    "Oh! Please, don't mind me! I'm sure that Sir Meliodas wouldn't want me talking about his past without his permission," Elizabeth said, flustered as she waved her hands in front of her face.

    Liz... Could she be...? Andrea thought to herself before she realized that they had arrived at the stone spire.

    "Is this where my power is?" Meliodas asked as they entered.

    "It's pitch black," Elizabeth observed nervously as she gingerly walked forward, careful not to trip over anything. She squeezed Andrea's hand in fear as the light behind them dimmed from the distance.

    "That's right. You will now be put through a test, Meliodas, the results of which will determine whether we return your power to you or not," Zaneri said cryptically, looking back at them with a serious look.

    "Huh?" Elizabeth said worriedly as Meliodas just blinked. Andrea scowled as she glared at Zaneri, her animosity towards the shorter girl increasing by the second.

    "Hmm... So in short, I have to take a test," he summarized, to which Zaneri nodded.

    "It will be a very difficult and trying one. I worry that you may not be able to endure it."

    Elizabeth frowned at her statement, her expression contorted with worry. Even Andrea couldn't help the prickle of fear in the back of her mind as she reflected on the strange fragility of her brother's mind. Meliodas, however, had no such reservations.

    "Hearing you say that just makes me more pumped up to get to it!" he grinned as he punched his palm. "I'll take whatever you throw at me!"

    Zaneri sighed, then raised her hand. "Dorukimoto. Hekatokobe. Omunorea. Kieto," she chanted. Suddenly, a bright light began glowing from underneath the group, and they all shielded their eyes from it. Once the light was gone, Elizabeth and Andrea lowered their arms... only to see Meliodas simply standing there with his eyes closed.

    "Lady Zaneri... Is this the test to take back his power?" Elizabeth asked, wandering worriedly around Meliodas's still body. "What exactly is Sir Meliodas going through right now?"

    "Is he in any danger?" Andrea growled, glaring distrustfully at Zaneri.

    "Silence!" Zaneri scoffed annoyedly, shooing her hands at Elizabeth. "Stay out of it. This is the Tower of Tests. Right now, Meliodas's psyche is being tested as to whether or not he's worthy of his powers."

    "Is it that difficult to restore his powers?" Elizabeth asked, reluctantly stepping away from Meliodas.

    "Not at all," Zaneri sighed. "The question is what happens to him after it's back... But let's set that aside." She conjured a wide, shallow goblet full of soil and extended it towards Elizabeth, explaining to the princess that making the seed inside it bloom was her test. "As for you..." she said, turning towards Andrea.

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