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Name: Capolaz "The Forgotten"

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Name: Capolaz "The Forgotten"

Vision: Cryo, located on his right glove

Age: 532 (Visually 30s)

Hello: Greetings, Who I am and what I am doesn't matter, Just call me Forgotten, or Capolaz if you wish.

Chat/Origin: I do not wish to talk about who I am, It is my burden alone and no one else to share.

Chat/Archons: I do not hate them to the extent, I know they had no intentions in it. However, I still don't like them.

Chat/Occupation: Before I was a researcher, and now just an informant for the Fontaine forces.

When It's Raining: The Earth is being cleaned by people above, Ironic.

When Thunder strikes: The electro archon wishes to speak, huh.

When the wind is blowing: Freedom is granted but given when not wanted.

Good Morning: Greeting Clo-, Oh it's you, I hope you at least brought me tea.

Good Afternoon: Something to eat? Hm, sure you can have half of my Lunch. Hm? There is a letter on it? Just give it to me and don't read it dammit!

Good evening: I seriously need to sleep more, I am already tired, and it's not even midnight.

Good Night: Well I am off to sleep, good night don't wake me that early if you do have tea at the ready. Or who? Yeah, or Clorinde sure. Are you seriously trying to prive information out of me when I am nearly asleep? You are worse than Charlotte.

About Capolaz/The Origin: So he told you. I assume he even told you that I was the researcher and a man who deployed the machines. I know they are rampant but nothing I do can stop them, sadly all those creations must be destroyed.

About Capolaz/ Gloves: Why do I tug on my gloves this much? It's a habit, I am hiding something that I don't want to show, it's a pain that I endure alone. At least till now, I suppose.

About us/History: I know your sibling, they talked about you highly, so do not disappoint them.

Something to share: I tried my best that fateful day, but even the best of one meager research wasn't enough, because of me, the machines were corrupted and released all over Teyvat with that I'll have to live till the day I die, or become one of them.

About vision: I see it as an insult from Celestia, and that's why I will use it against them, be it aiding these people or directly fighting them.

Interesting things: Everything you see on me is custom-made and old, I have to make repairs myself, and it's painful to do so but it's calming.

About Navia: She is well-versed in the law, Clorinde and I try to help her in any way we can. Unfortunately, sometimes she is too stubborn to take help.

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