The history of forgotten man

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Capolaz was now basically dragged through the City of Fontaine, people hid from him, calling him a monster, he was used to this, it was like in Sumeru, where scholars called him an abomination same as those whom he held dear, he lost them time ago, a lifetime to long ago. It was an unpleasant train of thought, but not like he hadn't endured it before, however, something else stung, the woman who dragged him. He liked her, and he wasn't scared to admit it, she was one of the few people he had seen as a genuine friend for a long time, it hurt him to see her dragging him, but he couldn't read her face, usually, her stoicism could be implemented as a relentless and stoic woman but as he spends time with her you could notice subtle changes, changes in tone, her walk or her eyes, they were different just like his, but you could look into them and see what she thought, or at least he could, now however now? It was difficult, not as if he couldn't see them, but more like it was an experience he hadn't seen before, however, what he could see in her subordinates was fear, they feared him, and for whatever reason, He thought that maybe it was still from the trial he had not long ago but he disproved that as he walked to the Palais Mermonia and noticed Neuvillette standing there.

"Ah right on time, you never disappoint miss Clorinde." She nodded to the Judex and looked at Capolaz, her stoic expression spoke for her.

"Mister Capolaz would you be so kind as to follow me to my office, Miss Clorinde, you can go attend to Furina, she is still preparing."

She nodded and walked off, however, Capolaz didn't move, he watched Neuvillette just stand there, looking at him, as if waiting if he would make a run for it or oblige to his request. With a sigh, Capolaz obliged and walked to the Judex who quickly turned around and walked into Palais Mermonia.

They calmly walked into his office as Neuvillette sat in his seat and with his palm showed to the seat opposite of him which to that Capolaz obliged and sat down.

"Tea? Miss Clorinde told me about your enjoyment of the beverage." That caught him off guard. She talked about him to Neuvillette, now he wondered in what context.

"No ill intentions are being done here mister Capolaz if that's what you're wondering about, you are simply here at my request."

"Could have sent a letter or told Clorinde to bring me here."

Neuvillette smiled at the term.

"I told her to bring you here, but considering the circumstances she couldn't have chosen a better method."

Capolaz drank his tea and waited for an explanation of why he was brought here.

"Can you look at this?" Neuvillette handled his morning newspaper.

As he read the news, he finally understood, why he was brought here.

"So this is why I am brought here? I saved a man's life and he spread this? Is it even confirmed?" Capolaz was on defense in the second, it showed the truth to the story however could Neuvillette prove it? He thinks, maybe there is more to it.

"So I to assume that the story is true?"

"What if? I am no more hilichurl than Navia or Clorinde." Capolaz spoke calmly.

"Mister Capolaz I am not doing this out of pleasure but two obligations, one to court and one on a promise, please try to cooperate," Neuvillette spoke, trying to bring reason.

"Not seeing how I can help but sure what do you want to know."


"Everything huh? You realize what I say would place everything this nation stands on right?"

"We can't be more of a danger than we are now mister Capolaz, please, tell me who are you truly, and leave no detail."

Capolaz thought for a second but eventually obliged. He took both of his gloves off, showing his dark hand, and noticing the increase of pigmentation.

"My name is Capolaz, a former head researcher at Khaenri'ah Research Institute.

Capolaz stared into Neuvillette's eyes as if he were dead inside, it would be expected, he just made him see what he was all those centuries ago.


It was a nice day, he watched his subordinates working on the Harvesters, they were magnificent.

"Another day, another work."

He walked to his desk overlooking new plans containing upgrades to make them more sturdy.

When suddenly.

A shake of the earth.

This wasn't normal, every machine to monitor the ground in case of quakes looked not active.

This wasn't normal.

Then the alarm was sounded.

All the people in the institute panicked.

Capolaz looked out of the window. The city was on fire, large pillars of cubes stretching from the ground, there was floating one person, white in hair, overlooking the madness.

"Celestial being." Capolaz quickly thought.

He looked at the harvesters he had at his disposal.

"Deploy emergency city defense!"

Researchers looked horrified, this was happening.

Capolaz wasn't a soldier, but he was smart, he knew he could buy time with them.

"Send in the harvesters to buy people time!"

He ordered everyone and they listened.

"Now evacuate!"

Everyone ran out of the institution as he spoke to the speaker overhearing the Institute.

"This is a mass evacuation order from the Head of the Khaenri'ah Research Institute, any man who can fight reinforce the soldiers, everyone else, out of the city!"

Capolaz grabbed his polearm, he was rusty with it but better than nothing, as he led the harvesters to fight the Celestial being.

He grouped up with guards and an army of approximately 40 harvesters marched near the being.

They were ready to fight but with a single swoop all harvesters fell, Soldiers still stood their ground, but one by one they fell dead.

Capolaz was wounded and unable to fight, standing up with the support of his polearm he watched the celestial being destroy his country.


Neuvillette looked at Capolaz, clearly touched by the story, but he still had a question that had to be answered.

"So if your logic is true, you are over 500 years old, correct?" Neuvillette asked Capolaz.

"Yes." Capolaz simply spoke.

"Then you must know of what I am about to ask," Neuvillette spoke with urgency.

"Possibly."Capolaz asked, still looking at him, his hand uncovered.

"What is the sin of Fontaine?"

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