The day of the Duel.

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A man in red and white was standing on the seat of defense. He understood how it looked yet he only did what was right. what he thought was right. There he stood, on trial for something he can't change, for a thing he can't control. He was made a monster by the people above, and that child is just sitting there, watching as people lose lives, such a brat. The eyes of a man with stars instead of pupils looked at the god of hydro, he wanted to scream and kill the insult of a ruler. Yet he didn't act, he calmed himself and simply looked at the god, she was excited, thrilled, defiance by a man of a nation long gone.

"Archon scum."

With those words, he shocked the whole Court. No one expected that reaction, no one before dared to say what he said, he insulted The Hydro archon.

"Mister Capolaz., You understand what you just said correct?" Neuvillette asked the man.

"Yes." The man simply responded, tugging on the white glove on his left arm, fixing it to ensure it was in place. he fixed his attire, looked at the Archon on the other side of The Court, and talked.


He didn't care about the sentence he would be given, he can't die of old age unless they executed him he doesn't care, then again, they would put him out of his misery and curse anyway. The guards who stood behind him looked scared. They felt the power of a man who stood in front of them yet he still stood calmly, as if he just didn't give harsh words to anyone. The man looked at many people in the Court but he couldn't blame them, they didn't know better, It was too long ago, too many life cycles for anyone to remember, but the brat that stood opposed to him knew, she knew very well if not her then her predecessor should.

"HOW DARE YOU!" The brat archon yelled across the room. The man didn't want to lash out at her anymore, he would do himself a favor but in the end, he would dig himself a deeper hole.

"Listen here, I was brought here for you accusing me of something that I have no control over just because form where I am, if that doesn't sound dumb I don't know what is." The man dressed in red and white had a point, however. He sees the flaw but because her word is absolute unless he wants to expose to the populace who he is he has to take the last action he has available.

"Then if I will be misjudged by your archon, maybe she will hold Honnor by the blade."

"Is that request for justice by duel Mister Capolaz?"

"Yes." Capolaz stood calmly.

"Wery well, the duel can be arranged, Miss Clorinde, please step down same as you Mister Capolaz." Neuvillette looked and addressed both of them.

Roughly in two minutes both stood at the main stage. A dance of death shall begin.

"Mister Capolaz." The Duelist looked at the man.

"Madam Clorinde." The man returned the greetings he received from her.

"This is a duel either to surrender or death, does both understand the rules?"

Neuvillette asked both of them.

"Understood." Clorinde said, hearing this multiple times already.

"Agnoliged." Capolaz spoke back.

The murmurs throughout the opera suddenly halted.

"The Duel shall begin," Neuvillette said.

In an instance Clorinde went on the offensive, her sword at the ready, her flintlock pistol as well. Capolaz calmly summoned his spear and reflected on her attacks. He didn't want to hurt her since his millennia of experience would decimate her if he tried properly even if he knows he isnt master of the art he trained for milenials. He didn't look cocky he still tried to look as if he was trying his best. He kept pushing her away with the non-sharp side of his spear. then he saw an opening, a simple mistake that she overstepped, it gave him enough room to maneuver her sword out of her hand, and within an instance, he aimed his spear at her kneck.

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