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"What's the sin of Fontaine?"

Capolaz stared at Neuvillette, he knew some details but not fully, and if he knew fully, Celestia would probably be in his footsteps. But leaving people blind can cause more problems, so he decided to spill the beans.

"I do not know fully, even though I was alive during the ordeal, I do not know, however, I imagine it has to do something with the creation of the Nation of Fontaine."
Neuvillette nodded.
"Thank you Mister Capolaz, for this insightful information, I'll be sure to study it, but before you go, I have one more thing to address, you hand please."
Capolaz became nervous.
"What about it?"
"May I have someone look at it, Sigewinne, she is a head nurse at Fortress of Meropide, she may be able to help you?"
Capolaz laughed at the gesture.
"Neuvillette, this is a curse bestowed by Celestia itself, I don't think she will be able to help me."
Neuvillette nodded
"Then I'll no longer hold you here. You are free to leave."

After they exchanged goodbyes, Capolaz walked out of Palais Mermonia, he noticed it was quiet, it was in the middle of the day and the streets were empty, too empty.
Capolaz made one step in the streets and around 10 people emerged out of nowhere, in green-white clothes, decently armed, Sumeru.

"After long tracking, we found you again, Capolaz."
Capolaz turned to the ten people looking at him.
"It would be favorable if you surrender and no blood would be spilled."
Capolaz summoned his Polearm.
"That's unlikely."
The academic mercenaries looked at him blades and bows ready.
"I'll give you one chance to turn around and save your lives, but the moment the fight starts I'll be merciless."
The mercenaries stepped closer.
"Death it is, pray to your God of knowledge since in a minute you will not be able to."

Three men charged at him.
The first one got cut through his guts, blood spilling from him now guts on the floor as Capokaz pulled the polearm from him, coughing blood he dropped to the ground, dead.

Another man swung his sword unfortunately he missed and struck the pavement, Capolaz took the opening and stabbed the man in the head with an ice spear, impaling him on the ground. The third man tried his luck but Capolaz kicked him in the guts and unfortunately, he was shot by his colleagues as he got into their line of fire.

Now seven saw the carnage one man could do, and Capolaz didn't make any emotion. Next, they Knew another spear fliing through the air and impaled another man right through to leg, his cries of pain were quickly stopped as an ice shard flew at his face striking him through his mouth and effectively silencing him.

Now six people stood, three swordsmen and three archers versus one man. Archers drew their bows and fired, one of them actually managed to hit him in the shoulder but Capolaz didn't budge, he just ran at them, broke the formation of the three swordsmen, and impaled the archer's arm who was behind them, in his shoulder, then twisted the polearm and severing the arm from him. With a yell of pain, he collapsed on the ground holding his injury with his still intact arm. Next thing was a spear made of ice flew at the other Archer striking him in the chest, throwing him away on the ground whining in agony.
The free swordsmen finally moved to fight however with a swift of icicles two of them were stabbed in their feet and immobilized before any of them knew they all were stabbed one by one, dropping dead. The Last Man, who was standing and unharmed took running. He was hoping he would escape, but that was short-lived as ice shard flew through his skull killing him on the spot.

One would think he was a merciless fighter and not a researcher, but his rage for academia made him so. His history with them was long, centuries-long, of pain and hate.
He calmly walked to the last man alive, kneeling on the ground as Capolaz stood above him.

"Finish it."

As soon as he finished the sentence, Capolaz inpail the last man alive.

As Capolaz calmed down he noticed the carnage. He noticed everyone staring at him, even Furina and Clorinde. Capolaz picked up his spear, everyone was afraid of the man covered in blood.

"I did what was right."

With those words, he started to walk away.
However he wasn't going alone, Clorinde was following him yelling at him to stop.
He turned around, his face showing one emotion and one only. Regret. He regretted killing them and he regretted that Clorinde, the only person that he showed care to and the only one who showed him care in a long time, saw him commit murder.
"Wait, Capolaz." her tone showed emotion.
"What?" he looked into her eyes as she looked into his.
She walked to him. Standing near each other.
She grabbed his hand, nullifying the distance, and hugged him. The compassion she showed, she cared. Even though he just gutted ten people she still cared about him. This made him realize what she meant to him.

He loved her, and it hurt him he would hurt her in the end no matter what he did.

A.N.: Well I certainly woke up to the nice thing, 300 reads and number one in category Clorinde, so consider this a Christmas present, happy holidays folks.

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