The technicality before the court

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Capolaz, now dressed, stood outside of the infirmary, Clorinde talked to Sigewinne and a guy who would fall to the description of Wriothesley.
"So, you're the guy she talked about."
Capolaz looked at the man.
"Am I meeting the expectation?"
"I expected some more muscles."
Capolaz, not so easily offended, just looked at him.
"Expectations can be deceiving, for example, I didn't expect to be in a joke of a court."
Wriothesley slightly chuckled.
"You should go, I heard you're accused of being a monster." Duke asked.
"Eh, I had worse."
With a quick wave, Capolaz walked to the elevator where Clorinde stood.
"Good, you're here, we got 30 minutes let's go."
As they entered the elevator, Clorinde gave him a quick look down.
"You look good except for the collar."

The doors closed and the elevator started ascending, as that happened, Clorinde started to fix his collar, standing in front of him, the sight of her tempting him to kiss her one more time. As if she read him like a book when she was done, she gave him a quick kiss.
"Right now, you're at trial and this will be a secret between us."

They exited the elevator. Walked for a couple minutes and entered another.
"Ashamed you like me?"
"No, just your reputation, it would be frowned upon."
"That is the basic definition of ashamed you like me."
"It's more like, I have a certain reputation with men, who would certainly kill just to get to go out with me, and I don't want you to go do murder again."
With consideration, he nodded in understanding.
"That being said, don't expect me to be all that love stuff."
"Wouldn't accept it any other way."

They finally left the Fortress of Meropide and walked towards the Opera House as multiple guards started walking towards them, Clorinde simply lifted her hand.

"I'll escort him for his trial."
"We are sorry madam Clorinde but on orders of Lady Furina he is supposed to be handcuffed and escorted by at least 10 guards."
"I said, I'll escort him and that's final."
Guards looked surprised at the defiance of the Grand duelist but they didn't dare to change her mind as they watched them quickly go past them.

As they walked people looked at him, in disgust, and horror, Capolaz was already accustomed to such stares, he was a studied by Academia itself, yet for Clorinde it was new, she was always regarded as an upstanding citizen even if sometimes she couldn't look at herself into the mirror. She knew the eyes weren't directed at her, it still was someone whom she cared about, and she wouldn't let it sit by, after this she would help him, in any way she could.

Capolaz once again stood at the spot of the accused, he watched as the entire opera looked at him in distrust and worry. Opposed to him stood Furina and beside him stoot Clorinde.

My single hit with a cane Neuvillette announced his presence, he looked at both sides with a mood he wished both justice being served right.
"Court is in session."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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