Saving a man = More problems

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Capolaz was on his way back to Poisson, it was a casual stroll he wasn't supposed to be anywhere as of that day so he enjoyed the scenery that could rival his now-lost home.

"If only." He thought to himself, he misses his home, who wouldn't? 500 years away from it, the picture of the nice and prosperous city he helped to maintain is still in his mind, yet he can't reminisce in peace, the picture is quickly overtaken by the one of destruction. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a cry for help. with swiftness, he summoned his polearm and ran towards the noise.

He arrived at the noise fairly quickly, noticing a man being cornered, by Hilichurs. He ran between the man and them.

"Let him go."

The man who was on the ground looked at his savior. He was thankful, he was saved.

"Huya, felaku." Monster spoke to Capolaz as if he knew what he was saying.

Capolaz quickly turned around at the man.

"Did you or did you not steal from them:"

The man on the ground looked shocked, how dare he ask, Hilichurs are monsters they should be slain without remorse.

"They are monsters. Does it matter?"

Capolaz was offended and quickly retaliated.

"The only monster is you, what you stole has value to them but not for you, return it."

The man looked outraged. How dare he take the side of monsters.

Man quickly pulled out a small statue, it was familiar to Capolaz, he had similar as a child, a Royal Guard. Hilichur picked it up and looked at Capolaz and nodded in thanks, then he walked away.

"You should have killed it, it is a monster. Abomination."

Capolaz didn't retaliate in words and simply walked away. He felt insulted. Because it was his fate, it was his destiny, to be like them.

"I'll show you!" The man told him but Capolaz ignored him.

That day Capolaz, slept poorly, if at all.


It was the next day and Clorinde was already at work with Furina and Neuvillette, who were discussing the topics of today, however, her head was out of the conversation completely. She couldn't keep Capolaz out of her mind, his hand, she was asking so many questions but getting no answers.

"Something bothering you miss Clorinde?" Judex asked the Grand Duelist.

"Yes actually, regarding Capolaz."

"I think he should be ousted he doesn't bring any good news, as I talk to the populace many voices are concerned that he might be evil...ugh, I was supposed to read Steambird about now, where is it?"

As on cue, a Melusine walked in with a fresh copy of News from Steambird. News about Traveler coming to Fontaine, a branch of Mona Megistus astrology, but the headline was the juiciest.

"A man or Hilichur in a human body?"

All 3 people looked at each other as Furina continued to read further,

"A recent man in the court named Capolaz has saved a man from a Hillichur attack or is it true? Read more on page 9."

As Furina quickly turned to the page, she quickly read it through. Clorinde was uneasy so was Neuvillette, because it meant another trial with the man, However, Furina was happy, she wanted revenge on him for how he embarrassed her. Furina was already preparing a new case in her mind.

"I shall clear my schedule for today, also please schedule a meeting with Miss Charlotte and Mister Frink as the core witness."

"As you wish:"

Clorinde thought the only thing at the time, was what he got thrown into.


At the time and a little longer, Capolaz consulted with Navia, both of them didn't read the news, and they didn't have time.

"So what's the other possibility? Can you reprogram the Guards?" Navia asked.

"Technically speaking yes if you know how and have the proper tool. Any machine can be repurposed."

Navia quickly wrote that down.

"That will be everything. Thank you for the consultation, if I need you in trial I will let you know."

"I see no problem in that." Capolaz stood up from the table and gave a handshake to Navia.

"See you in the future, Miss Navia."

"See you in the future mister Capolaz."

As he walked out of the Spina di Rosula, he was met by Clorinde and about 10 of her subordinates.

"Whoa Clorinde, nice surprise to see you here, why the entourage?"

Clorinde grabbed him by the wrist and started to drag him out of Poisson.

"Hey, calm down, Clorinde, if you wanted me by your side this much you could just ask."

Throughout the meetings they shared, they established this teasing a little was fine, they flirted in front of the court unless it was on professional grounds or one of them was feeling down, and with one look of Clorinde it looked like both cases, she looked pissed and more stoic.

"By the order of Hydro Arcon and Judex of Fontaine, you are under arrest."

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