Spiraling into madness

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The now two people walked away from the crowd of people, and before Capolaz could think he was at Clorinde's house, it was, standard to say the least. To be fair she doesn't spend most of her time home, he thought. As he looked around he found it decently furnished, except for a couple of flintlocks pistols, and muskets on display.

"Let me take a look at you."
She stood in front of him, arms crossed. She didn't look happy.
"Suit yourself, I guess."
She simply undressed him to his shirt and pants and looked at his arms specifically. He didn't look beaten, however, his arms got darker. It was spreading.
"We are going to the Fortress of Meropiede."
"Why? I haven't broken a law." Capolaz spoke back.
"We are going there to check up on you, there is someone who could help you."
Capolaz was about to speak but he was silenced by a finger on his mouth.
"You are going and that's final."
With a sigh, he got dressed again.
"Well, not like I have a choice."


As they walked through the City of Fontaine, he was being looked at, and talked to behind his back, he hated it. It angered him. But he had to play it cool. He didn't want to anger authorities more than he did, even though he was buddy-buddy with one and he even loved one of them, he couldn't. As he walked throughout the City, a ginger man walked towards them.

"Great, him again."
Capolaz looked at Clorinde confused.
"This man has been bothering me for some time, he want to duel me, I simply had no time."
"Was I taking your time?"
"I enjoyed our time together, don't get me wrong, I like spending time with you."
Capolaz smiled at her remark, he was pleased she enjoyed his company.

"Ahh miss Clorinde. Greetings."
He bowed to her, this man with ginger hair, fancily dressed, possessing a vision of hydro.
"Childe." with her usual monotone voice. She seemed more cold, not like when talking to him.
"And who this might be?" Childe looked at Capolaz.
"Capolaz, this is Childe, he is an 11th fatui harbinger."
With that Capolaz went into defensive mode, suddenly manifesting his spear going between Childe and Clorinde.
"Nope, you can kindly fuck off fatui scum."
Childe in the meantime summoned his bow aiming straight into Capolaz's head.
Clorinde tried to pull Capolaz away from Childe.
"I am not doing this again."

Clorinde tried to snap Capolaz out of it, he looked out of it but was still in fighting spirit.
"I'll not come back!" Capolaz without a warning threw an ice spear at Childe which he dived with ease.
"Comon! Snap out of it!" Clorinde was now scared. Not the fact she might die. But she cared about Capolaz, more than she wanted, she wanted to stop but she couldn't, now she didn't know what to do. Capolaz was going mental, but he didn't look as if he was doing it willingly, he looked feral, and this wasn't him. She thought of reason, but it circled back to one thing, his arm. She connected the dots. The disease, curse, or whatever it was making him do this but one thing she took out of it, he protected her, always having her behind him, he cared. Maybe too much.
"What has gotten into you, snap out of it!" Clorinde pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears.

"I'll not come back to him! And he will not take you! Even if it's the last thing I do."
That took both Clorinde and Childe by surprise, he is mentioning someone, who?
"Whi you mean?" Childe asked.
But the response to him was an ice spear thrown in his direction.
"Fuck off Fatui scum!"
Capolaz yelled at him. Clorinde tugged his shoulder which Capolaz turned around, looking into her eyes. His star-like blue pupils were replaced with yellow ones.
"Stay." He was telling her to face Childe again.
"What's wrong with you?"
Capolaz responded to Chlorinde's question, but the only thing coming out of his mouth were noises. Similar to hilichur.

Clorinde placed two and two together. She didn't understand him, but she knew if she didn't do anything someone would die. So she did only the thing she knew. Fight. And shot Capolaz with her gun.

A.N.: I want to apologize for lack of post this month I was really sick since end of December and was in fear of hospitalization, hope you guys understand.

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