Chapter 3

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Opaline forgot about that day and worked hard to be a powerful alicorn.
After a year of studying Starswirl said
,,You are ready"
,,For what?"
,, You are ready to embrace your inner alicorn
,,What does that mean?"
,,It means our training is done!"
,,Thank you for teaching me"
,,It was my pleasure to train such a talented alicorn"
Opaline returned to her castle and was training her magic everyday. She learned that the together trees are very strong and planted one of her own.
,,I hope this one makes a connection with the others so I can help other ponies'"
Soon she found out that many ponies need help with cutie marks and discovered a club named cutie mark crusaders.
Soon every pony knew about how generous and kind Opaline was so she wanted to demonstrate her magic to the princesses.
,,Greetings your majesty"
,,Greetings.What do you need?"
,,I would like to demonstrate my magic to you"
,,To us the most powerful alicorns in Equestria"
,,Well yes"
,,Get out of here you're not even a true alicorn"
,,Guess you don't even know a teleportation spell"
,,Yes I do!"
,,You're not a true alicorn ha ha ha!"
,,Get out of here or I'll call the guards"
,,You cannot even protect yourself!"
Opaline ran away to the Everfree forest and said
,,I will show them who's the most powerful alicorn!"
,,Equestria will remember my name:
Opaline Arcana!"
And so Equestria was in grave danger!

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