Too much royalty

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,,Another perfect day in Equestria" Pipp thought
It has been only a week since Applejack and she defeated Chrysalis and tore down the magic bubble, but it felt like they have been living like this for years.
,,I'm so excited for the coronation today!"
Today Twilight would be crowned as an official leader of Equestria. Pipp was almost ready to go when she felt that something was going on with her cutie mark. It was vibrating and shining
,,Somepony please help me!"
The strange magic didn't stop so she decided to go to Applejack
At Applejack's house
,,Oh, this is bad, very bad!"
,,Applejack calm down, why?"
,,Because you have been chosen for the royalty contest and I wouldn't be upset if you won"
,,What is a royalty contest?"
,,It is where you get tasks and you must complete them to prove you are a worthy leader!"
,,I can do this!"
The next day they met up in the Canterlot castle
,,Hello contestants, you must prove your loyalty, braveness, kindness, generosity, confidence and courage!Let the contest begin!"
Pipp waited patiently until it was her turn
,,Pipp Petals"
,,Okay so first it's a test of your loyalty, close your eyes and when she opened she saw a music shop
,,Oh, I can have my performances here!"
Then she saw all her friends going away from Maretime Bay
,,What happened?" She asked
,,We're outcasts here!"
,,You go start singing like you always wanted, this is your last chance!"
Pipp thought she couldn't leave her friends, even if it meant leaving her big dream!
,,I will go with you, you are more important than singing!"
,,Princess Pipp, you passed the test you actually were first to do that!"
,,We"ll have a little interview"
,,Why do you think you would be a good queen?"
,,Well I think that I have great loyalty and other qualities that are meant for ruling Equestria and I would protect Equestria at the cost of my life!"
,,The bravery test is ready, and until the end of the contest goodbye Pipp, I'm rooting for you!"
At the bravery test
You must pass the Everfree forest
As Pipp saw the Everfree forest, she was a bit afraid, but she knew a good leader must face the danger
She did tricks through the vines, flew carefully and finally reached, though her friend didn't return so she came back for her and finished the bravery test together
,,You were amazing, but why did you come back for me?"
,,It's called friendship!"
At the kindness test
You must wrestle a manticore
Every contestant was bravely fighting, but Pipp didn't like it
,,Stop, you're hurting the manticore!"
Pipp gave the manticore a little kindness and he became calm
Everyone clapped
,,Thanks, but it was really not big of a deal!"
At the generosity test
Pipp was the best in everything, as it was time for the confidence
And she did amazing on that test as well( she is the element of confidence, after all)
,,Now it's time for the last test and we will pronounce the winner!"
,,Three of you succeed to get on the final level: Pipp Petals, Moonstrike and Twilight Sparkle!"
As Twilight and Moonstrike finished the test, they were upset and said,, it's not going to be us"
,,Pipp Petals"
,,Good luck, Pipp!"Moonstrike said
As Pipp walked she was feeling very nervous
,,Now what to you do when you have to protect your kingdom?"
Pipp was about to say something, but Princess Flurry Heart teleported her into an unknown land
,,Where am I?"
,,Your Highness, your kingdom is under attack!"
,,Then we must protect it"
Pipp rushed and saw The villain trio
She fought bravely, but it wasn't enough. Then she realized she is an alicorn. Pipp sacrificed her magic and the villains disappeared, even though she turned into an earth pony
The crowd cheered and she was back in the room, when she entered the hall Moonstrike started asking questions like,, how was it?" Or ,,Do you think they'll choose you?"
Pipp said,, I hope that I did good and I also met a lot of new friends!" She hugged them
In a week
,,The winner is .........Pipp Petals!"
Everyone cheered especially Moonstrike and Twilight
Princess Flurry Heart said,, You truly are a trustworthy leader, the ceremony will be here tonight, you can stay in the palace for now
,,Wow, I'm so honored!"
That evening
,,Equestria has a new queen, Pipp Petals!"
,,Come this way"
Pipp saw many princesses, she stood on the pedestal and was transported into a weird place
,,It's time to transform you"
Magic lifted Pipp into the air and all the citizens of Equestria saw Pipp's cutie mark and when it was complete Equestria saw its new leader! Sunny, Izzy, Hitch and Zipp cheered the loudest
,,All hail the queen!"
Pipp stood there as happy as can be ready to take on her a new responsibility!🦄

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