The comeback

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Pipp was ruling already a whole moon and it was a very peaceful moon. Pipp was a very kind, generous, compassionate, courageous, honest and loving queen. Everypony loved her. When there was a meeting she always found a solution that everyone was happy about. The kingdom was thriving!
At the villain lair
Opaline was already planning a revenge plot
,,Those puny little ponies, they think friendship is
magic!I had friendships once, but the only thing I learned is that everyone will betray you! They will pay for all the things that had happened, for all the pain they caused!"( evil laugh)
She looked at her magic mirror
,,Misty, I will go search for the scepter of evilness tomorrow"
Deep down Misty didn't want to serve Opaline no more so she tried to escape many times.But she failed many times.Besides Opaline was the closest pony she had to family.So she went and saw Opaline spying on her friends(Sunny,Zipp,Hitch,Pipp and Izzy. They were eating ice cream together and laughing.
,,I wish I could have so many friends!" She sighed
Then she had an idea,, I will escape!"
She quickly somehow used her horn and levitated herself through the window.
,,I'm free, but first I need to warn the dragons and she ran quickly to the together tree
,,Please work!" Magic sparkled out of her horn and she was teleported to the Dragon Lands
Back in Equestria
,,Your Majesty we would like to inform you that Flurry Heart has requested a meeting!"
,,That's not a problem, when does she want to meet?" Pipp asked
,,In an hour"
,,Okay, add it to my schedule please"
At the meeting
,,Hello Flurry Heart, what would you like to discuss?"
,,In Crystal Empire the sky had darkened, the Crystal heart is almost ready to break and the crystals are getting destroyed!
,,And who is causing all of this destruction?"
,,It's Chrysalis, King Sombra,Opaline and the Villain trio!"
,,Well what are waiting for? Let's fly, but first gather all of my friends: Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Hitch, AJ,Twilight,Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy
In the Dragon Lands
,,Dragons wake up, Opaline is coming!"
But no one heard her
,,Well, I guess they aren't waking up and this journey was worthless!"
The portal opened and she was back in her room in Opaline's lair
Crystal Empire
When they all gathered in Crystal Empire
,,The situation has worsened and if we don't hurry they're going to break the Crystal heart!"
The ponies tried so hard to defeat them, they used: magic, tricks , magical objects, but nothing worked, so Pipp knew what she had to , but before she could get close to the villains she was teleported
,,What?Why? How? I'm dealing with the villains, so can you please bring me back?"Pipp said
,, I know what you want to do, but are you willing to make a sacrifice?"
,,Yes I am!"
,,Okay then!"
The magical alicorn casted a spell and her magic wings and horn started disappearing, as she became an earth pony!
When she was teleported back the Crystal Empire shone with colors and every pony was cheering,,Pipp is our hero!"
Pipp was pleased to her that
,,You gave up your alicorn powers, didn't you?"
,Yes I did"
At the royal palace
,,Pipp was willing to make the biggest sacrifice for her citizens she proved that she is the perfect queen! And for that we decided that you more than earned to be an alicorn!
She was quickly transformed into an alicorn
,,Pipp you proved your loyalty, more than any pony could! Said Rainbow Dash,,I'm proud of you!"
Pipp was more than happy that everything was normal and she walked away to her bed, not knowing that a hundred miles away Opaline was already hatching a plan
,,Equestria will pay( evil laugh) !"

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