The return of Harmony

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Pipp was sitting in the students treehouse, that managed to stay on its place for a thousand moons.
,,Hi Twilight" said Pipp
,,Admiring the treehouse?"
,,Yes,thought I wonder why I see elements of harmony"
,,But how?They were destroyed!"
,,I know"
,,Let's take a better look!"
As they walked in they saw magical crystals on a special pedestal
,,This pedestal wasn't here before"Twilight said
,,Are you sure?
,,Well maybe the elements weren't truly gone like you thought"
,,But how can it be?Sombra destroyed them"
,,Maybe they went underground and the magic of friendship caused them to reappear!"
,,Ya think?!"
,, I know you thought that they were gone, but apparently they aren't!"
,,And while we're talking the elements lit up"
,,Which ones?"
,,Confidence and Magic! These are the elements we represent! Do you know what this means?"
,,Yes!! Equestria will now have another special protection!"
,,I wonder why are they stones, and ours are in a form of our cutie marks?
,,I've got an idea!! Bring everyone here"
,,Ok Pipp!"
By an hour, every pony arrived
,,What happened?!"
,,The elements, they're glowing again!"
,,Sorry darling, but they were destroyed! ,,Rarity said
,,I know, it sounds crazy , but it's true!"
,,Well that's good to know y'all" Applejack said
,, Yeah, AJ!"
,,Hi, Rarity!"
,,Listen, there's an emergency!"
,,What emergency!?"
,,My cutie mark is glowing and it's calling me to mount Aris with Twilight!"
,,So, we've got no time to lose!"Twilight said
At Mount Aris
,,Wow, it's beautiful here!"
,,And not abandoned, like last time!"
,,Silverstream, it's so good to see you!"
,,Yeah, hi Rarity and Twilight!"
,,And also I know why you have been called here!
,,Let me tell you a story,
You all know about Opaline and how she took over Equestria, but have you ever wondered what happened to us? Each tribe gave a little of friendship magic to the magic pearl, in fact all the creatures did so. But then Opaline stole that magic. We were left without friendship magic. We tried to get it back, but it had a magical shield around it, so we failed to get it.But then a powerful pony retrieved it.And then she nominated  a pair of sea ponies, that will  protect the friendship  magic of all creatures. And I think you're the next guardians"
,,So, you're telling us that we will protect all of that magic ?''
,,I will lead you there!"
At the secret cave
,,Wow, this is simply divine!"
,,Yes, it is"
,,Now wait for our leader Queen Skystar!"
,,I remember her, but wasn't she a princess?"
,,A lot has changed since you last visited!"
,,Hello friends!" Skystar said
,,Hi Skystar!
,,Are you ready for the ceremony?"
,,Yes we are"
Skystar used the pearl's magic and turned them into sea ponies. They were each given a medallion.
,,What are these for?"
,,When danger comes after our pearl you will use the magic to protect it?"
,,Just a question, you summoned us here not for a friendship problem , but for saving your land?"
,,This is exciting!"
,,Now first order of business: you must protect your territories."
,,So now, Rarity will have the east coast and Twilight the north coast"
After a full moon
,,Hi Twilight, how are things going?"
,,Well, I've solved a couple of friendship problems, but mostly it's peaceful."
,,The same in my territory"
,,Well then are you up for our picnic!"
,,Of course"
After the picnic
,,Twilight, you're needed in the north coast!"
,,What happened?"
,,The creatures of the ocean are after our magic!"
,,Then we must protect it
At the battle
,,Use the pendant, Rarity!"
,,There's so many and I don't know how to do it!"
,,Come to me!"
They gathered together and joined hooves
,,Friendship is magic!"
A powerful beam from the pendants stole the pearl from the creatures and pushed them back to the Frozen North where they belong!"
,,Well done, girls!"
,,And you know there's a festival tomorrow here. Will you join?"
,,Of course!"
At the festival
,,You know, I'm going to like this duty!"
,,Something tells me the adventures are waiting for us!"
Back in the villain lair
,,I will show them what they get when messing with me! Now there will be no more loneliness , only power!(evil laugh)

 Will you join?",,Of course!"At the festival,,You know, I'm going to like this duty!",,Something tells me the adventures are waiting for us!"Back in the villain lair,,I will show them what they get when messing with me! Now there will be no more l...

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