Let the music lead you

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Melody was just getting used to her new reformed self. It was hard, but she managed to do good deeds, help out other ponies and many other generous things. One day, she met Pipp Petals
,,Hi, how are you? Your name is Melody, right?"
Pipp asked
,,Yes, I'm Melody. Nice to meet you and what's your name?"
,,Melody is a beautiful name, I'm Pipp"
They shook hooves
,,Well if you could, could you please pop at  my concert tonight?"
,,Well sure! You're a singer?"
,,Yeah I am, doing a  concert! See you tonight!"
After the concert
,,You were amazing, Melody!"
,,Thanks, Pipp"
,,Can you come to my palace, later?"
This evening
,,Hi, Melody!" Said Hitch
,,You were amazing, Melody!"
The next day
,,So, Pipp you wanted me to come?"
,,Yes, I want to discuss something with you"
,,Since I was a little filly, I wanted to start a band. Why? Well because, I wanted to share the music with my friends and together write new songs!"
,,I agree, but how can I help you?"
,,Do you wanna be in the band???"
,,Yes, that would be great!"
,,Will it have any other members?"
,,That's the part you step in : you help me find the members and I'll organize everything else!"
,,Okay, when will I start?"
,,Tomorrow morning"
* Adventure music*
They searched all over Ponyville and found Hitch
,,No, I can't !"
,,Hitch, listen you just need to believe in yourself!"
,,Okay, I can't believe I'm doing this!"
At Zephyr Heights
,,Woah, who is that?" Pipp asked
,,That's Starlight Glimmer?"
,,Yes, we are bffs and she's a great singer!"
,,Hi Melody, it's been ages since we saw each other!" They hugged
,,I have a question for you, would you like to join our band?"
,,Melody, of course I've dreamt of this my whole life!"
,,Melody, can I join?" Misty asked
,,Of you want to, but I thought you didn't like all the suspense and attention"
,,Well it's time to show Equestria my talent!"
The next day
,,What should our name be?"The fantastic five? Equestria rocks? "
,,We'll think about it? Where do we perform or what instruments do we play?"
,,That's a good question!"
,,Okay, Misty: piano, Melody: singer, Hitch: sing+ drums, Starlight: guitar, Pipp: Singer + organizer"
,,Can we use your stage at the palace?"
,,Yes, of course!"
,,Our name should be the Unity Holders !"
,,That's a cool name"
That night
,,Let's go ponies, we can do it!"
They sang the song
,,Together forever!!"
,,Wow, that was a good start! You heard how every pony cheered?"
,,Of course I heard!"
,,We were absolutely rocking it!"
,,We need to write the next song and quick!"
The next day
,,I'm having creative block!" Pipp said
Ponies gasped in terror
,,And I have like a million visits today, so Melody you organize the concert, please!"
,,Sure, I guess"
And, so it was. Next week was there night to shine. But they met a pony they weren't expecting
,,I'm so sorry Mesmerizing Ocean Serenade. This is our stage and we perform here!"
,,I understand you want an autograph, I'll give it to you!"
,,And we'll battle to see who the audience likes more!"
,,Let's battle!"
,,Dear audience today you will decide who's better me:Ocean  Serenade or Unity Holders!"
They sang 10 songs  each and Ocean Serenade was winning!
,,If we lose this song, we won't be able to be a band anymore!"
,,Don't worry Pipp we won't lose cause you got us!"
In the darkest corner of the night
Friendship will be a rainbow light!
Their cutie marks shone and each of them was lifted by a color of their element.The light shone through the night and the Unity Holders won!
,,Be ready Pipp , because this is just the start! I think we're going to be challenged but together we'll get through anything!"
,,You're right Melody , but each time I leave can you be temporary leader!"
,,I would be glad to!"
And on these worlds members of the band hugged each other!!

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