In the current time Part 2

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Pipp and Applejack searched all of Equestria, of course they went undercover. When they met none of them had news to share.
,,It's hopeless Pipp, we should go back to living in our separate Equestria" Applejack said
,,Maybe there are some parts we haven't searched like.... Sea Equestria!"
,,You're right we haven't searched there yet!"
,,Then what are we waiting for, let's go!"
At the beach
,,Okay, put this on it will transform you"
When they dove into the water, Pipp was spellbound by the underwater world
,,It's so beautiful here!"
But then Pipp felt she didn't have air, she said ,,Why isn't it working!"
As she couldn't breathe anymore, she started to drown. She  thought this is the end, but she started transforming. When it was done Pipp and Applejack swam to the palace. There they found Silverstream.
,,Greetings your majesty"
,,Greetings what do you need?"
,,We would like to search your kingdom!"
,,Well, I don't see why not"
,,Thank you so much, your highness"
,,Do you need a sea pony to accompany you?"
,,No,thank you"
,,Wow she is so nice!"
,,Yeah, but let's get to searching!"
They searched all day, asked every sea pony but no pony has seen the special pony
,,We didn't find anything, but thank you for letting us search"
,,It was my pleasure, good luck with finding"
When they returned, they saw that Equestria was being destroyed by Chrysalis and the changelings
She started to drain love, wreak havoc and scared every pony.
,,We must do something,but what?"
,,I know gather all your friends and bring them here: we'll defeat her with our magic of friendship!"
When Applejack gathered all her friends Pipp said
,,You can't defeat us chrysalis, because we're stronger than you, now Applejack!"
,,You don't know the most powerful magic of all: it's friendship!"
,,And the elements that represent it are honesty(Applejack was lifted into the air) Generosity( Rarity was lifted in to the air)Kindness( Flutter shy was lifted into the air)
Loyalty( Rainbow too) Laughter( Pinkie too was lifted) and Magic( Twilight too) and don't forget Confidence, to help your friends get through the troubles( Pipp was lifted too)"
,,If you have this magic we're stronger than ever!"
Magic wrapped around the changelings and transformed them into good and Chrysalis was banished!
,,Well Applejack, I guess you discovered the special pony: Pipp, it's you darling and I know Applejack is very happy to be friends with you, right?" Rarity said
,,That sure is true so Pipp tear it down!"
,,But as the most powerful magic of all is friendship, you must help me Applejack!"
Both ponies walked to the end of the bubble, it had a crack which they walked through, but now it was gone
,.You ready, Applejack?"
Both ponies put their hooves on the bubble and were rainbow powered!
The bubble broke into a million pieces and they lit up the sky!
Sunny and Zipp were amazed by the colors of the sky and packed their friends and rushed to Pipp
When they arrived Sunny asked: What happened?
Pipp said: The old Equestria shield broke, the Equestria is now together and let's celebrate!
All the ponies were so amazed it's so beautiful !
The next day they threw a party and every pony was so happy
Many ponies asked questions about Opaline or about the crystals
Pipp said ,, There's so much to discover, but one thing I'm sure about: friendship is magic!
Twilight and Pipp went together to wake up the dragons and when they did,Twilight and Spike hug. Twilight said,,Spike I missed you so much!
Spike said,, Me too"
All of Equestria came together and there sure will be more adventures, but for now remember: friendship is magic!🌟

P.S the next chapter is going to be about choosing the royalty of Equestria, so if you got any ideas about who should participate in the contest, let me know in the comments 🦄

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