Forgiving the Past

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Morning in Mare time Bay shimmers
The light of the crystals they shine
Every pony is friendly to each
And look there's a party on the beach
Ponies doing things that they like
And I know for absolute certain
That everything is gonna be fine!
,,Thunderstorm, I thought it's gonna be clear weather for today!"Melody said
,,Come quick, something is happening to the crystals!" Sunny said
,,That explains the thunderstorm! Let's go!"
At the bright house
,.Oh no, what's happening ??"
,,I don't know, the whole bright house is shaking !"
,,Remember the map, with cutie marks ?"
,,Yeah, well our cutie marks are glowing?"
,,Yay, road-trip , but where?"
,, Melody and Hitch, are going to the mystical woods!"
,,Well let's go!"
After a day
,,Well it's a long day, maybe let's rest!"
,,Good idea"
,,So, um how are you? Hitch asked
,,Okay, I guess!"
,,I just wanted to tell you: so we've been friends for a long time now, and in the same band , and I just wanted to tell you that you changed my life!"
,,Aww that's sweet!"
,, No really I mean it and I'm so glad we're together on this journey!"
,,Me too, oh look! A beautiful waterfall!"
They carefully passed and in a few days of hard climbing and climbing through the mountains and finally reached Mystical Woods
,,We're here, now let's find that friendship problem!"
,,you look there and I'll look here"
As they looked they saw no signs of any trouble or friendship problems, they were both frustrated
,,How can it be? We searched everything!"
,,I know, I'm so frustrated!"
,,Well maybe cause there ain't a friendship problem"
,,But we were called by the map, stranger!"
,,You know Ophelia? She's the one behind this, she wants to steal of our magic and she send you off to Mystical Woods for nothing!"
,,We must get back immediately!"
,,Hold on, I'm getting a call!"
,,Hi Sunny, what's up?"
,,It's a complete hurricane here and there's an evil alicorn who sent you to the Woods! We need help please!"
Melody used a teleportation spell and they were back at the Brighthouse
,,Hello Melody , we have some unfinished business !"
,,Ophelia!" She looked in terror
,,Now, mind explaining what you were doing here?"
,,O discovered friendship!"
,,What?? How could you betray me!"
,,I will survive without you! You want me to be bad and evil, but my cutie mark shines when I help other ponies!"
,,No, it ain't true!"
She blasted a powerful beam at her , but Melody protected herself!
,,You need me!" Ophelia said
,,No, what I need is friendship !"
,,You will not betray me! I'll kill your friends and then youlll understand"
She zapped powerful magic at Melody's friends , but Melody protected them!
,,Melody are you okay??" Asked Hitch
,,Once she's gone I will be" she said weakly
Each of the ponies lighted up their elements and cutie marks
,,Our light comes from kindness , generosity, laughter, magic, loyalty, honesty, creativity, hope, heart, confidence, courage and harmony!"
,,And you can never stop us!"
All of the friendship magic shone and froze her to stone and destroyed her
,,We did it, ponies!"
,,We have to help Melody!"
After two days
,,Have I been asleep so long?"
,,Do you feel better?"
,,Yes, I do!"
All ponies hugged Melody
The sun was slowly sinking into the horizon as our heroes celebrated their victory
We never could see past the differences
That separated you and man's it left us on our own
But now the power of friendship is everywhere
No greater challenge we can't face
We've come so far together
The memories are to treasure
Stories in light
And if we need another
You know where I can find you
And our friendship can last forever!!!
We are together
We'll be forever
In the darkest night
We'll be a rainbow light
We've come so far together
Memories are to treasure
Stories in light
And if we need another
You know where I can find you
And our friendship will last forever
Ooh Oh Ooh Oh
Together forever!

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