I watched my eyes in the mirror as they rocked back and forth with the noose that hung behind me. My eyes followed the biggest thing I despise: Suicide and demise. Unanswered cries lead to the broken ones dying and lying about being okay. And we walk by, look with our eyes, ignore the cries, and never question why someone would want to die so badly. And sadly, my generation doesn't care why either. It's just a sigh and a goodbye to those who die from being despised by the guys at school where lies spread and fight against the victim's mind. School is not safe. That's all a lie to keep us from opening our eyes to see the truth and watch true opportunities pass by, say hi, then goodbye in the blink of an eye. Who is really to blame for spreading lies and making my generation want to get high to be happy, die to be free, lie to make money, cry for attention, or tie a noose and stare at it hang through a mirror as I wonder if these are the final moments of my life?
Educated Stress
PoetryThe third collection of my poetry. All of these poems were written during my freshman year of college.