Laspen Love

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^^That title though😂👌


Aspen's POV ( dun dun dun jk)

"Lucy!" I called. "Lucy!" I panicked like a madman. How could I let this happen. Rebels were close behind me, but I needed her.

"Aspen!" a voice cried from afar. I ran at top speed to the closest safe room where I found her. She was curled up in a ball, looking smaller than ever. Her eyes were bloodshot and her gave stained with tears.

"They almost had me," she choked out. Her sobs grew louder. "Th-They were gonna take me!" I pulled her to my chest, stroking her hair.

"Shh Luce your okay, I'm here now." I looked into her red eyes and kissed her softly. We were tangled in each other as I held her like a child.

"A-Aspen... never let me go." With that her eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep. I couldn't help but stare at her. Even with her matted hair and puffy, red eyes she was outstandingly beautiful. As delicate as she was, her strength was undeniable. I planted a kiss in her forehead before placing her in a cot. Even though they were tiny singles I squished in with her securing my arms around her torso. She smiled in her sleep. I loved it when she smiled. Sadness marked her everyday, so when she was happy it brought a light to my life.

"I love you Lucy," I whispered before closing my own eyes. "And I'll never let go."

A/N: Couple change! Just for this chapter though. I'm a Laspen shipper big time. Their just so cute. Anyway sorry for the lack of updates. I needed some inspiration. In the end I didn't get any so I wrote about Aspen and Lucy. Hope you like it!
Thanks for reading!!

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