Chapter 2:

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Jing, Lei, Meizuo, and Daoming Si, sat inside Jackie's house in her living room with pizza and movies around them as they set everything up for Jackie's arrival.

Hearing a taxi door slam Meizuo turned to everybody

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Hearing a taxi door slam Meizuo turned to everybody.

"There here!" Meizuo said as he watched his sister enter, shocked to see tears in her eyes and Ximen following after her

"Jackie? What's wrong?" Meizuo asked as his sister who walked passed him and to Lei.

"What the hell is this?!" Jackie said holding her phone with the photo up as she looked at Lei who looked shocked and guilty

"Jackie I-" Lei tired to say but was cut off

"Did you cheat on me.." Jackie asked as everyone went silent

"Answer me! Did you fucking cheat on me Jing!" Jackie yelled as Lei looked down.

"Yes.." Lei said as Jackie closed her eyes

"Choose." Jackie said as Lei looked shocked


"I said. Choose. Her or me Lei. I've known you since we were 2! I always stood by you! And trusted you when you were with Jing! Trusting that you loved me and you wouldn't hurt me! And I don't want to be in some stupid love triangle so choose." Jackie spoke as everyone looked at Lei

"I'm sorry, but I choose her.." Lei spoke as Jackie closed her eyes as silent tears fell down her face.

"Get out." Jackie said as Lei's eyes widened

"What.." Lei asked as Jackie took a deep breath

"Get.the fuck.out." Jackie said as Lei stood in his place

"GET OUT!" Jackie yelled as everyone jumped

Lei looked to Jing who grabbed his hand as they left together

Ximen, Meizuo, and Daoming Si watching the girl.

Jackie couldn't hold it as she cried, falling as Meizuo caught her, hugging her as she sobbed.

Daoming Si watched in silence. He couldn't believe what his friend had done. He knew Lei loved Jing but he never thought he'd cheat on a girl.

"Come on.." Ximen spoke as Ah Si looked to him, nodding.

The two left, their gazes reluctantly leaving Jackie's crying form, as they headed to their cars, driving home as they both wondered.

"How could Lei do this.."

-the next day-

Meizuo sighed as he grabbed his bags from F4's personal room at the school. He was on lunch break and was going home to eat with his sister.

Hearing his friends walk in he sighed. He was hoping to avoid them.

"Meizuo.." Lei spoke as Meizuo ignored him

"So you're taking Jackie's side.." Lei spoke as Meizuo scoffed

"She's my sister, I'll always take her side!" Meizuo said as Ximen and Ah Si watched quietly

"I'm sorry.." Lei spoke as Meizuo turned to his childhood friend

"Sorry?! You cheated on my little sister! You broke her heart!" Meizuo yelled as Lei looked down

"How could you hurt her! She loved you!" Meizuo yelled at Lei who stayed quiet

"I'm sorry Meizuo..I care for her but I don't love her" Lei said quietly as Meizuo rolled his eyes

"Never mind! Just stay away from her!" Meizuo spat before leaving the room, Ximen following him.

"Meizuo wait!" Ximen yelled as Meizuo sighed and stopped walking before turning

"What?" Meizuo asked as Ximen looked at him

"Tell Jackie I'll be by later. I'm going to talk some sense into Lei and then I'll come visit her." Ximen spoke as Meizuo looked at him with suspicion.

"Why? What do you want with her?" Meizuo asked protectively as Ximen smiled

"It sounds crazy but I care about her. I haven't known her long but I care for her" Ximen said as Meizuo's face softened seeing the truth in his friends words

"She's like the sister I never had." Ximen said softly as Meizuo let a laugh

"She does tend to have that effect. She can win people over so easily." Meizuo said as he smiled, Ximen smiling too

"She is quite something. And I know she's hurt and I just want to be there for her." Ximen spoke as Meizuo sighed

"Ok. Come by later but don't you dare bring Lei!" Meizuo said as Ximen nodded

"Never." Ximen spoke as Meizuo looked at his friend before walking away.

-time skip-

After driving and arriving at his house, Meizuo entered to see his sister baking.

" are you?" Meizuo asked as Jackie looked to him

"I'm fine!" Jackie said smiling as Meizuo sighed

"You only bake when your sad sis. It's ok to feel betrayed, to feel sad." Meizuo said as Jackie nodded

"I know brother." Jackie said as Meizuo sighed knowing she wouldn't listen

Grabbing an apron he stood next to his sister and helped her bake.

The two siblings spending the night baking and watching movies with Ximen who came with Pizza and ice cream.

None of them knowing that Doaming Si was laying in his bed as he thought about the American girl who's heart was broken by Lei. And wondering why he couldn't get her out of his head.

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