Chapter 3:

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Jackie groaned as her alarm went off.

She didn't want to go to the school today but she no choice. Sighing she dragged herself out of bed before getting into an outfit and going downstairs where her brother was waiting with Ximen who didn't want her to be alone.

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Going into the kitchen Jackie looked at Ximen and Meizuo who were standing with their hands behind their backs

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Going into the kitchen Jackie looked at Ximen and Meizuo who were standing with their hands behind their backs.

"Hey guys.. What's going on...?" Jackie as her brother and new friend looked at one another

"Well we decided to get you a gift!" Meizuo said as they both held out a box together

"Ta-Da!!!" Ximen and Meizuo spoke at the same time

Jackie smiled at the gesture and took the box, opening it. Gasping at what she saw.

Inside was three pieces of jewelry.

Two pieces were of a heart with a key lock in the middle which matched the key necklace inside.

Putting on one piece of the heart she handed the other to Ximen and the key necklace to her brother

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Putting on one piece of the heart she handed the other to Ximen and the key necklace to her brother.

"It's beautiful! Thank you guys!!" Jackie said as she hugged Ximen and Meizuo who hugged her back.

Separating Jackie swiped a stray tear before speaking

"Now! Let's get to school and show Lei how little fucks I now give about him!" Jackie said as her brother and friend chuckled but followed her outside to the limo waiting as they got inside it as drove off.

-time Skip//at lunch at the school-

Jackie let out a shaky breath as she prepared to enter the school's cafeteria, her confidence from earlier slowly fading.

Ximen and Meizuo next her noticied this and gave each other a nod.

Standing next to her they linked their arms with hers as they smiled

"Let's go sis! Let's show Lei what he lost!" Meizuo spoke as he looked at Jackie who smiled at him great-fully before they entered.

As they walked to F4's table everyone looked at them in awe and curiosity at who the female with two of F4's member's.

As they approached the table Jackie sat between Meizuo and Ximen across from Lei and Jing as Ah Si sat in between them making a triangle.

They all sat silently until Jackie sighed.

"So..Jing.. your a model?" Jackie asked Jing who looked shocked that the girl was talking to her.

"Oh..yes.. I am." Jing spoke quietly as Jackie smiled

"Me to! I sing aswell but honestly, there's nothing like walking down the runway. Although singing does bring me joy too!" Jackie spoke as Jing let out a smile

"Yeah.. I've seen you on social media. Your voice is beautiful!" Jing said as Jackie smiled at the girl.

"Thank you! So tell me, what do you like about modeling?" Jackie asked as everyone looked at her in confusion

"Why are you being so nice to me.." Jing asked in confusion as Jackie sighed

"Because, as much as I want to hate you for kissing my boyfriend I can't. Hating people leads to drama which I don't like. So instead I'm going to be kind to you and ask that you treat me the same." Jackie spoke as everyone looked at her shock and awe.

This girl who had left America for her boyfriend and found out he was cheating was still smiling and trying to be kind to the woman he cheated with.

Jing couldn't help the guilt she now felt at her actions.

"I made a mistake hurting this girl. She so sweet and I helped Lei break her heart..What's wrong with me.." Jing thought as she looked at the girl who was smiling at her with nothing but kindness in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry..I never meant to do this.." Jing spoke as she looked down.

"It's ok Jing. Let's just move on!" Jackie said as she smiled but three people could see past it.

Meizuo, Ximen, and Daoming Si.

"Well, I have a birthday coming up, would you come?" Jing asked softly as Jackie nodded

"I'd love to!" Jackie spoke before the bell rang.

F4, Jing, and Jackie all standing.

"Um you guys go ahead! We'll catch up!" Meizuo spoke as Ah Si, Lei, and Jing nodded leaving as Meizuo and Ximen looked at Jackie

"I'll wait, I want to get a soda anyway. Be right back!" Jackie said as she walked to a vending machine

Once out of hearing range Meizuo turned to Ximen.

"She's definitely not ok. She's means what she says about being kind to Jing but she's lying by saying she's ok." Meizuo spoke as Ximen nodded

"Agreed. Let's make an agreement to watch out for her." Ximen spoke as Meizuo nodded and looked at his friend thankfully

"Agreed! Thank you Ximen." Meizuo said as Ximen smiled

"Of course! That girl is like the sister I always wanted." Ximen spoke before they walked to Jackie who was picking a soda.

-later that day-

Jackie sighed as she placed another one of Lei's sweaters in a box.

She was home from school and decided to return Lei's stuff.

"Hey you ok?"

Jackie turned to see her brother and Ximen.

"I-I'm fine!" Jackie spoke as she turned back to Lei's stuff

The two boys sighed before walking forward and hugging the girl who stopped packing

"I'm fine guys! Honestly I'm just fine.." Jackie said, her voice cracking as she began to cry

Meizuo and Ximen hugged the crying girl who hugged them tightly

"I'm fine.. I'm always fine.."

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