Chapter 7:

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It had been a few months since Jackie had moved to England and in that time she continued her studies online, and got a job at "Annabelle's".

When Jackie had found out that the small cafe was hiring she immediately applied, wanting to do something other than modeling, singing, and school.

Jackie was close with the owner, a sweet old woman named Emilia who had named the cafe after her deceased daughter.

Right now Jackie was cleaning the final table of the night as Emilia closed the register and looked at the young girl.

It was only 7:30 but Jackie had to be at a runway show at the new venue opening nearby at 8:00 but  Emilia didn't want her to be late.

"Jackie go ahead and head home. I know you have to get to your modeling show soon. I'll close up dear." Emilia said as Jackie turned to the woman who gave her a gentle smile.

"Thank you so much! I'll see you tomorrow!" Jackie said as she grabbed her black sweater, hugging the woman gently before rushing out the door to her bike.

Getting on her bike she drove for 20 minutes before reaching the Venue and parked in the back and walked in where models, make up artists, designers, and back stage helpers were rushing around.

Jackie caught eye of her manger and quickly rushed to her.

"Leah! I'm here!" Jackie said as Leah sighed in relief at the sight of the girl

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"Leah! I'm here!" Jackie said as Leah sighed in relief at the sight of the girl.

"Perfect! Quickly sit down! We've gotta get you on stage in 10 minutes!" Leah said as she ushered Jackie to a chair where people surrounded her and began to work on her hair and face.

-5 minutes later-

Jackie stood at the entry of the runway, prepared to go and do her walk as Leah smiled at her.

"Alright! Go out there and do your thing!" Leah said as she ushered Jackie forward.

Jackie walked down the runway, her face blank as she walked to the end, standing for a moment before turning and walking back to the entrance of the runway where Leah stood.

"Amazing! Now let's get you into the next outfit!" Leah said as people rushed around her and began the same routine as earlier.

As the night progressed Jackie walked down the runway 12 times before the show came to an end, people standing as they applauded the models and the designers.

As people began to leave to the after party Jackie walked Leah.

"Hey I'm gonna head home." Jackie said as Leah frowned

"You don't wanna go to the after party?" Leah asked as Jackie smiled.

"No I'm going to FaceTime my brother." Jackie as Leah nodded in understanding.

"Oh ok. Well sleep well! You did beautifully!" Leah said as Jackie laughed and waved at the woman before walking out of the Venue to her Bike.

Jackie quickly drove home, changing into her Scooby doo pajamas before she opened her computer and pressed the call icon on her brother's contact page.

The contact rang for two seconds before a smiling Meizuo and Ximen came on screen, Jackie smiling at the sight of them

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The contact rang for two seconds before a smiling Meizuo and Ximen came on screen, Jackie smiling at the sight of them.

"Hey guys!" Jackie said as the boys smiled.

"Jackie!" The boys said simultaneously as Jackie giggled.

"Oh I miss you guys! Oh! Did you see my show?" Jackie asked as the boys nodded

"We did! You looked amazing Jackie!" Ximen said as Jackie smiled and Meizuo huffed.

"I don't like the outfits they put you in. There too revealing!" Meizuo said as Ximen snickered and Jackie rolled her eyes playfully and smiled.

"Ok so that's my brother talking. What does my friend say?" Jackie asked as Meizuo sighed.

"The friend in me thinks you did amazing. You knocked the socks off those people." Meizuo said softly as Jackie smiled.

"Thank Mei. Now! Tell me what has been going on with you guys!" Jackie said as the boys shared a look and lept into a rant.

Jackie stayed on video call with Ximen and Meizuo for 2 hours talking about the love triangle situation with Lei, Shancai, and Daoming Si, Lei leaving Jing who had left him brokenhearted, and the drama invoking the wrath of the school.

Jackie felt bad for Daoming Si, and felt her anger grow towards her ex.

As midnight came Jackie said goodbye to her boys, promising to call soon before she hung up and went to bed.

Her last thought of a boy with pineapple hair who she felt bad for.

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