"notre nouvelle maison"

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Aforetime ago on a town called Serendipity Hills, lived a teenager named Cassandra. She was a new comer at the small town. She came from a very distant country.

The reason of her arrival on this town was because her father no longer had the money to afford her education on there.
Cassandra couldn't argue anymore with her father, she then moved to a new senior high school with cheaper price in a small town called "Serencily High". It was a pretty popular high school in Serendipity Hills the town that Cassandra went to.

Tired after being on the car for nearly 7 hours, she finally arrived at her new place to be called "home" sooner or later.

"How was the car ride buddy? Are you having fun?" asked by Cassandra's dad to her younger brother.

"Don't worry daddy! I enjoyed every single scenery that I saw!" Answered by the younger son.

"That's great buddy!"

"And how about the beautiful daughter of mine?"

"It's alright, not that special but not that boring" Said by Cassandra who still feels annoyed about the decision of his father.

"Okay! Since everyone seems to enjoyed the travel, now you two needs to work together to help your mother organize these things into our new house."

They both agreed and starts helping their mother. From cleaning, reorganizing, tidy things up, and doing other stuff.

Finally after a few hours, they're done doing their parts to set everything on their new house so it would feel like their old home.

"Kids, dinner ready!" Cassandra's mom telling them to get downstairs so they can get to eat together.


It's quiet. Very quiet indeed. No conversations were being talked while they had dinner.

"Soo.. Cassandra, tomorrow is already Monday. You need to go to your new school okay?"

Cassandra's dad coming in and breaking the silence situation with his words.


"I don't wanna go."

"But.. Cass-"

"I NEVER agree to any of these! The idea to left OUR HOME! Whyy did I even need to moved here anyway?! Ugh!"

Cassandra then left the dinner table. She ran upstairs. And at that instant, she slammed the door shut as she locked it.

She went to her bed and hold her doll. An old doll shaped like an avocado. She then stares at its eyes.

"If only dad knows how much it matters to me to go back there. I missed all my friends."

"But.. I think I need to know that my dad was also struggling with his job, right? avocado?"

"I believe I will be a okay, because I have you."

"I hope tomorrow will be a great first day in this new school. "

Cassandra was stressed with her situation. Yet because of that she talked to her doll. For Cassandra, avocado meant a lot for her.

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