"recommencer mon histoire"

39 2 9

It's early in the morning. Birds were chirping on outside of the window. The alarm were ringing. A hand trying to reach the alarm to turn it off.

"Owwww come onnnn.. Just. Stop. Ringing..!"

Cassandra turned off her alarm. After that she looks at the clock. Still 4 A.M.

"Who in the name of muffin would set my alarm this earlyyy? Awhh mannn"

After she closed her eyes, she soon hear her mother yelling at her.

"Come on dear you got to wake up. You're gonna be late!"


She checked the clock on her alarm. With half closed eyes, she saw that it's 06:45. Not long after, she got off her bed with a panic face she was making.


Her mom's face says it all. With a half angry and half sadistic smile like wanting to say something bad to her daughter but she couldn't.

Looking at the expression on her mother's face, Cassandra grabbed all the things she needed quickly.

She ran here and there making sure she didn't forget anything.

She almost left and her dad came to ask her.

"Heyy! Don't wanna eat your breakfast first?"

"Not today daddd, I'm late!"

"Ohh okayy!! You didn't forgot to bring your lunch right??"

"Nopee don't worry!!"
"Love you dadd, I'm going to go now!"
Said by Cassandra.

Her dad couldn't help but felt less worried about the scene that were made last night.

Cassandra being more panic when seeing her the clock on her house. "Ohh no no no noo it's 06:55!"

She began to ran because her house to her new school was a little far. It's around 5 kilometers from her house.

If only she bought her bicycle with her, probably she would get there really fast.

As she continued to run, a boy with motorcycle past by. Seems that in the eyes of Cassandra, she noticed who he was.

A male teenager with a casual minimalist look. Casual yet charming. He was wearing a baggy jeans and layered top such as an white T-shirt with a baby blue jacket. And his chunky looking sneakers.

He's her neighbor next door that comes to welcomed Cassandra and her family to the small town.

"Heyy!!!" Cassandra yelled.

The boy soon heard her voice and saw her through his rearview mirror on his motorcycle. It seems that he noticed that the girl was Cassandra. He then stopped his motorcycle.

Cassandra was a little bit annoyed that he won't turn around for her. But at the same they are just a stranger so Cassandra thinks that was normal.

She then ran towards his motorcycle.

"Heyy! Do you mind if you could give me a ride to Serencily High?" She asked.

"Sure I guess, I mean.. we're going to the same school too."

Her pupils shrink when she heard that from him.

Not long after her pupils began to expand. She's in love.

"Oh my god.. What did I do to deserved this kind of punishment" She thinks.

Such a cold hearted yet handsome, tall boy with black hair and a brown eyes.. was totally her type.

Destin de l'amour de Cassandra et d'AndedaraWhere stories live. Discover now