"rencontre de destins entrelacés"

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Cassandra was questioned by the situation that she was having. She couldn't help but ask the girl about what was the matter with her.

"Uhmm do I know you perhaps?"

When Cassandra asked the question to her. She seemed to be mad.

"Well. listen here Casey, Cassy or whatever your name is."

"The name is Charlotte. Charlotte Ende Mérlo."

"I must admit that I'm.. 'One of your classmates'. But don't just assume that I'm the same as them. If you didn't know I was one of the popular smart girls on this high school."

She said that her name is Charlotte. Her full name is Charlotte Ende Mérlo. She looked like a friendly, smart straight A's student at first when Cassandra saw her. But she might be wronged if Cassandra thinks that she was friendly.


The hallway were very noisy, a lot of teenagers talking to each other.

Charlotte continued to say something unimportant. Cassandra only can see her lips moved and completely ignored all the things said until she finished talking.

"So you understand what I mean?"

"I'm sorry what did you just said?"

The silence were loud. The silence between both Cassandra and Charlotte.


"Uhmm well I did.." Said Cassandra with a smily face.

Unexpectedly as Charlotte began to yell at Cassandra, it attracts the attention of lots of student in the hallway. Charlotte who felt pressured, then left.

"Huh? What's the matter with that girl?"
Again asked by Cassandra on her mind.


"♬♩♪♩ ♩♪♩♬!! It's time to begin the fifth lesson. ♬♩♪♩ ♩♪♩♬!! It's time to begin the fifth lesson."

It turned out the break time went much faster on this school. *sigh* Even though Cassandra was still thirsty, she was disappointed because she couldn't go to the cafeteria. After that, Cassandra walks back to her class.

Just like what Andedara said. The next lesson was mathematics. One of the lessons that Cassandra disliked.

She sat besides Andedara while having that white flagged looks on her face. She admitted defeat with math. Andedara then asked her if she's okay.

"I'm okay" She said.

Without any instruction, Andedara gave Cass his bottle of water. And it made Cassandra confused.

"What's this for?"

"Your lips looked dry. So I think you are thirsty right now."

It made Cassandra surprised. A man that she barely knew, had a high sense of considerate.

"Just drink it real quick before the teacher arrived."

"Okay..! Okayyy! Chill.."

Cassandra then slowly drank the water that Andedara gave her. With relieved feelings that her thirst was gone, she also felt very flustered by him.


Not long after the math teacher came to the class. She taught the class with a lot of patience. But seemed that everyone in the class understood about the material that the teacher gave. Except for.. Cassandra.

Destin de l'amour de Cassandra et d'AndedaraWhere stories live. Discover now