"la pluie qui nous a fait"

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The world continues to revolve as time went by, but not with the fate of Andedara. Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, hours became days, days became months. For over a month, he had been waiting for Cassandra to turn her heart over.

Andedara found it weird that she changed her actions around him. But he thought that it was because she has a lover. He was relieved at first, but still. It made him worried.

"Probably she already fallen for him, right?" he thought.

Although in such a despair, he still waited for her no matter what. Even if she will lost her feelings towards him, he'll still love her.

Andedara had never find himself being in love. Rather, he never find himself interested on anyone. This was indeed his first ever feeling towards someone. Even if it's his first time, he wasn't afraid to embrace his feelings to Cassandra.

Andedara and Cassandra were still a seatmate regardless the relationship that Cassandra had with Aaron. But now, they didn't talk as much as before. Felt like stranger but a close one. Andedara would rather describe it as "So close yet so far away."

These days, he often saw Cassandra hanging out with Aaron. But there was something strange that bothered him. He saw her using long sleeves. Usually she would've wear short sleeves clothes. "Maybe she's insecure?" He thought.

But Andedara knew that Cassandra was a person with high confidence. She never showed any insecure behavior. After Cassandra hanging out with her lover, Andedara had the idea to came in then ask her the questions that were roaming around his head.

"Hey uhm Cass?"

"Need something?"

Andedara didn't know why but he felt that Cassandra changed a lot after the day of their misunderstanding. Her eyes looked dead, her make up style changed, her outfit also looked different. Everything about her changed within a month.

Andedara thought about Cassandra's details too much. He forgot that her was talking to her right at that moment.

"Break time is almost over, if you don't have anything important to ask for then please, excuse me."

Cassandra left Andedara behind.

"Huft.. Just like last time.."

This had also happened before, where Andedara would overthink about something too much that he forgot the situation that he was in.

"♬♩♪♩ ♩♪♩♬!! It's time to begin the fifth lesson. ♬♩♪♩ ♩♪♩♬!! It's time to begin the fifth lesson."

Not too long after, the break time was over since the bell soon rang.

Andedara sat next to Cassandra, wondering if only he could change the expression on her face. He just didn't want to see her like that, looking plain gloomy all day.

The next lesson was English. Cassandra's favorite lesson. In the whole school, Cassandra was known for having such a great score in English. She became popular because of it.

On that day, she could answer all of the questions that the teacher gave correctly without a single mistake. But still, Andedara couldn't help but felt an development of some uneasy feelings.

Because of that feeling, Andedara pushed himself to play dumb on English by asking Cassandra to explain some of the material and formula to him. But alas, nothing changed. She taught him her favorite lesson, and yet the plain depression in her eyes shines the most instead of herself.

Hopeless, Andedara opened his mouth to ask Cassandra about something that probably was a privacy to her.

"Did he hurts you that bad?"

Destin de l'amour de Cassandra et d'AndedaraWhere stories live. Discover now