"le voyage qui nous lie tous les deux"

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The only last time Cassandra and Andedara ever hang out were when they are having a double date. Cassandra was still very flustered when she wake up after being asleep on Andedara's shoulder.

Not only that was the last they ever hang out, even they were not having that much of a conversation with each other. Due to Cassy's awkwardness.

As these happened, they were a lot of people that was concerned. Yet, someone took a small chance with it. Of course it was Charlotte.

Monday to Wednesday had passed with Charlotte who continued to be close with Andedara. Cassandra was jealous. Whenever she wanted to have a conversation with Andedara, soon Charlotte came to disturb her.

Just like when Cassandra wanted to have lunch with Andedara on Wednesday ago.

"Hey uhm.. Wanna go have-"

Cassandra hadn't finished talking to him and Charlotte already came and disturbed her.

"Heyyy Andedara~! Wanna grab lunch with me?"

Charlotte said that with the face of an attention seeker, which made Cassandra both felt jealous and disgusted.

But not long after, the schools bell then rang. It was time to went back to the class. After the break time, it was supposed to be physics class but unexpectedly the one who got on to the class was Mrs. Catherine, XI-Q's homeroom teacher.

"So class I got an important announcement to tell you today."

The whole class was filled with silent and listened to Mrs. Catherine.

"So tomorrow we'll go on a school trip at Paris."

Everyone were happy with the announcement that Mrs. Catherine said.


"♬♩♪♩ ♩♪♩♬!!! ♬♩♪♩ ♩♪♩♬!!! It's time to go home, see you all tomorrow-!"

Once more, it was the time to go home.
Everyone were being excited about the school trip to Paris. For everyone who had a partner, they then uncontrollably very excited about being together just the two of them. They acted like the world was theirs.

Almost all of Cassandra's classmates had a lover. The best known lover on school, Kennedy and Chelsea. The old fashioned couple, Nancy and Ulrich. The sweetest lover, Celest and Geo.

Seeing that almost all of Cassandra's friends that she was closed to were having a partner, it made Cassandra jealous.

It was after school, Chelsea then visited Cassandra just to greet her and then went to her boyfriend. They did the usual things. They hugged and then they kissed each other forehead.

Nancy and Ulrich on the other hand were an old fashioned couple, they usually went back to their home using a bicycle. Nancy hugged him from behind. Old fashioned yet still romantic.

Celest and Geo were a new couple. Yet they're the sweetest person ever. When a sweet lady met a sweet kind hearted man, they fell in love and had a relationship with each other. That was how Cass portrayed all of them.

After thinking about those couple who enjoyed their day. Cassandra then went home alone by herself. While walking alone, she found herself a kitten who was injured on its leg.

"Owhh how poor you are, I'll help you."

Fortunately, Cassandra got some bandages on her bag. She always carried it everywhere just in case that anything happened.

Cassandra soon took it out from the front of her bag, then she wrapped the kitten's leg with the bandage.

"Okayy, done! There you go little kitty!" Said Cassandra.

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