"les trous sur chaque âme"

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Yesterday, Cassandra accepted the confession of a stranger that she believe was Aaron. She went to school earlier than Andedara today.

Andedara didn't know that she already went to school first. Yet, he waited for a whole 35 minutes for her. It's not that long compared on how patient Kennedy been waiting for Chelsea just to take her to a simple date around the town. He waited for around 4 hours outside of Chelsea's house.

Andedara couldn't wait that long because he's gonna be late, then left.

On the way to school, he thought about what he did yesterday. Andedara regret when he gave Cassandra the silent treatment method instead of making her feel better by telling her that it was okay. But he didn't.

"Perhaps I'm being to harsh on her? I've never really gave someone silent treatment before.."

"God, I hope it's not too late to say I'm sorry."

Even though it was not fully Andedara's fault he still had the feeling of guilt wrapped around his mind.

Andedara couldn't stop his mind to think about Cassandra.

Her act around him, her personality, her hair, her expression, everything about Cassandra seemed to keep popping up on Andedara's mind.

As he kept thinking about her, he didn't realize that he almost crash into a big tree on the side of the road.

Quickly he pull the brake on his motorcycle.

"Gosh! Andedara! Just. Focus!" Said Andedara."

"Oh Cassandra.. What spell have you put on me?"

Andedara just can't focus these whole time. The feeling of guilty, regret and worried were all there on his head. Guess Andedara had fallen on the deepest feelings for Cassandra. On this point, he didn't care about himself. Only hers that matters to him.

Andedara was just a teenage boy who got strucked by love. The feelings that grow inside of Andedara's heart can't be explained by Andedara himself.

. . . .

He soon arrived at school after a long way from his home. As he got off of his motorcycle, he saw Cassandra going inside of the building. Andedara soon being very excited as he saw her being around.

Andedara then parked his motorcycle and he ran as fast as he could to go inside of the school building.

Just like the usual, Serencily High's hallway were very crowded in the morning. Andedara was walking past the crowds. He was searching for Cassandra everywhere the whole time. He searched on the hallway but couldn't find her.

After walking there back and forth, he decided to go to his class. As he opened the lid of the door, he saw Cassandra.
She was talking to her friends.

He slowly walk closer towards her. He couldn't say a thing as he feel excited. Andedara then touched her shoulders.

As she feels his hand on her shoulder, she quickly pushed him.

"Don't touch me." She said with the hatred on her eyes.

Cassandra then left after being disturbed by Andedara.

Andedara were in fact very confused with Cassandra's act. He thought about the silent treatment that he once gave her. He think that was the reason why Cassandra were annoyed by him.

Andedara who still thinks about his mistake, then place his bag on his seat.

Suddenly Nancy spoke to him.

"I bet you're now thinking about why did she avoided you this whole time, right?"

Andedara was a little bit surprised with Nancy's statement. Yet he replied,

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