{1} The Harunos

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"No..This can't be happening..." Hinata gazed at the scene that was enveloping in front of her. "Princess Hinata! Please follow me!" she could hear the guards, but only faintly due to the screams of the people burning in the castle. 

No one of the Hyuga blood, except for Hinata, survived that night. She was just six years old at that time. 

She had lost her father.

Her mother.

Her one year old sister.

Her uncles and aunties and cousins and everyone she held dear to her heart.


"Oh, good morning, Hinata," Kizashi Haruno smiled from the table. 

"Good morning, Lord Kizashi. Would you like me to pour you some tea?" The seventeen-year-old Hinata asked, with her head bowed.

"It's alright. Would you go wake up Sakura, please? Thank you."

"Yes, I will be on my way." After the entire Hyuga bloodline was wiped out in a massive fire, Hinata had nowhere to go. The Harunos were the only ones ready to take the once-princess into their home. They were a noble family, and Hinata was assigned as their daughter, Sakura Haruno's personal maid. Over the years, Hinata and Sakura grew very close, since they were of similar ages.

"Lady Sakura, please wake up!" Hinata whispered to Sakura.


"Lady, your father asked for you to be awakened."

"Ugh," Sakura groggily got up and sat in her bed. "Do you want me to bring you breakfast here?"

"Thank you, Hinata," Sakura hugged the maid tightly,"I don't know what I would do without you!"

"There, there."

Sakura ate her breakfast and got dressed, with the help of Hinata. That was how the days normally went in the Haruno residence. Hinata was a silent girl with abnormally pale eyes. This made most outsiders suspect that she was the Hyuga princess who had mysteriously disappeared ten years ago. To avoid this, Hinata was made to wear blue contact lenses, so everyone would think she came from a normal family of commoners. she also put her long, raven hair into a bun, so it would be less noticeable.

Sakura Haruno was beautiful. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds, and her pink hair was noticable among millions. Surely a maid wouldn't be noticed beside her, right?

But on the day she turned eighteen, everything took a wild turn. 

"She is my blood relative. I will take her with me. She has reached that age at which you cannot control her decisions anymore." Hinata heard a husky voice coming from the Lord's office. 

"But she works under me. I will not allow anything that is even slightly a threat to her." Kizashi said firmly.

"You have no right to say so. She is part of my family." the older man lashed back harshily. 

"Let's have Hinata have her say in her matter. Hinata, come out. I know you are there."

Hinata, who was overhearing this conversation, walked in with a tray of tea. 

"Y-yes, Lord Kizashi?"

"Do you want to go with this man?" It was an old man with the same pale eyes she had behind her contact lenses, and raven hair. 

Without a doubt, he was a Hyuga. And he had come to take her back. 

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