{7} Naruto

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Before Naruto could even accept the drink, the music for the dance started to play. The only lady nearest to him was, of course, Princess Hinata. The lady not interested in him got the first dance with him. Hinata placed the glass on the nearest table.

"May I have this dance?" Naruto asked smoothly, extending his hand and bowing softly like a true gentleman. Hinata pinched the sides of her dress with her fingers and lowered herself in a graceful courtesy.

"My pleasure."

Naruto spun Hinata just as the song hit chorus. Both of them were obviously trained to dance, but it felt like they were meant to be in each others arms. Naruto strong frame supported Hinata's slender one, as they waltzed gracefully to the beat of the song. After the song ended, Naruto caught Hinata in a striking ending pose. 

Everyone was enthralled, but Hinata didn't have time. 

"Duke, please follow me," Before Naruto could answer, Hinata grabbed his wrist and pulled him out to the garden. 

"Lady, may I ask you what is the matter?" Naruto asked, putting his hands in his pockets. 

Hinata looked at the floor. Not having the love potion was a pain. 

"Can you please pretend to be my fiancé?"

Naruto blinked. "Come again?"

"Please pretend to be my fiancé," Hinata repeated, more firmly,"Only for a few months, until I can take over my household."

"What will I get from that?" Naruto asked, smirking.

"Um, I don't know. Maybe being engaged to the Hyuga princess?" 

Naruto was taken aback. "You are the fallen Hyuga princess? The one who was nowhere to be found until recently?"

"I get that a lot. So, what is your answer?" Hinata asked cautiously.

"Maybe being engaged to a Hyuga princess isn't so bad. But you need to give me more, don't you think?" Naruto stepped closer to Hinata. Hinata's heart raced at the close contact.

"I-i don't have anything else to give you-"

Naruto leaned in closer, and Hinata could feel his breathing on her neck. She was thankful for the darkness, because she was a blushing mess. He put a finger to her chin and tilted it up to look him in the eye. THey were so close their noses almost touched. The crystal blue eyes looked into the flushed pale ones.

"What's your name?" He said in a quiet tone, the eye contact never breaking.

"H-h-hinata Hyug-ga," Hinata stuttered. 

"Hinata," She gulped when he called her by her first name,"You will be mine, and absolutely mine, for how long this fake engagement lasts."


"That's a good girl," The handsome duke whispered in her ear.

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