{6} Love potion?

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"Welcome, Lord Hajime, Princess Hinata," The guard welcomed, bowing deeply,"The ball has already started, please make yourself comfortable inside."

Hajime merely acknowledged the guard with a tilt of his head. He stroked his silvery beard and strided inside, Hinata tailing him. She shot cautious glances at every corner of the ballroom. She had been to a few formal gatherings, but only as an accompanist, not a noble, definitely not the princess. 

The moment she entered the ballroom, her breath was taken away. Maybe it was by the elegantly dressed nobles, male and female alike. Maybe it was the pretty lights that reflected off the chandelier and danced on the walls of the enormous hall. There were many waiters bringing out tall glasses of champagne, and the guests laughed politely and talked in hushed tones. 

Hinata saw the familiar pinkette in the crowd. She tried to call out,"Sakura-" To be interrupted and pulled back by Hajime.

"Why won't you let me see her?" Hinata whisper-yelled.

"You are not allowed to talk to her." Hajime said strictly. I can't take this anymore. I need to find a fiancé by tonight. I am not a toy to be kept on a leash.

Hinata could sense it. The amount of lies that were being passed around. The fake demeanours of the people around her, desperate to make a good impression. On who, you may ask? Well, the man of the hour had arrived. 

As the blonde man descended the stairs, all eyes were on him. The duke of the kingdom walked down with an air of dignity, but somehow seemed like he would be very approachable. He had unique stripes on his face-something like whiskers. His bodyguard followed close behind, with raven-black hair a shade darker than her's. 

Something inside Hinata told her the duke was the one. She clutched the tiny love potion in her hand. I'll do whatever it takes.

A bunch of ladies surrounded duke Naruto and tried to get his attention. Hinata didn't bother. I just need to slip this into his drink, then it will be fine. Naruto was trying to break out of the circle ladies, and with the help of his bodyguard, he was able to. 

This is my chance. I am so, so sorry, Duke Naruto.

Hinata put on the sweetest smile she could muster and glided up to Naruto. 

"May I interest you in a drink, Duke?"

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