{5} The Ball

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"Hinata, get ready!" Hajime called.

"Yes, sir."

"Why did Hinako have such an ungrateful child..." Hajime muttered under his breath as he strode to the entrance of the mansion. 

"My lady, I'm so sorry," Kanako started, but Hinata gave her a warm smile.

"It's fine, Kanako. It's not your fault. And if everything goes accodring to my plan, this might be one of the last times I see you."

Kanako was taken aback and almost dropped the brush she was using to weave through Hinata's hair. "What-"

"Hajime said that I needed to get engaged. If I don't choose a suitor in a week, he will choose him for me. And I am planning to do that tonight, at the ball."

"Oh...if that's what you want, my lady..." Kanako said, staring at the floor.

"Oh, no, no, no, Kanako I will miss you too," Hinata got up and wrapped the elderly lady in a hug.

"Its for the best, my lady. I wish you well for the future."

"Also, Hana, did you bring it?"

"Yes, my lady."

That night, Kanako and the other maids dolled Hinata up so she would be in the centre of attention. The indigo dress fell to her shoulders like waves of water, and the fabric shimmered like stars on a moonlit night. The necklace she was wearing brought the colour of her eyes out, and matched the crystal ornament she wore on her hair.

"Ready to go, Hinata?" Hajime yelled, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Yes, sir." The two of them got onto the carriage and drove of the the main castle for the ball. Hinata clutched the tiny vial in her pale hand.

Worst case scenario, she would have to use it. She really hoped it didn't come to that. 

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