Act I, Scene I

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23rd October, 1230. An abbey in Rügen. It is a dimly lit room with a candelabra situated on an altar in the centre. There are curtains placed on the back walls of the room.


MONK 1: The carelessness and nonchalance of man shall doom the lives of th'innocent.

MONK 2: To account, the guilty shall not be held.

MONK 3: But the blame shall land on the one who cared the most in the realm.

MONK 2: A mystic once said:.

MONK 3: "If thou attempts to seek peace with a man who solely understands barbarism and violence,.

MONK 1: Then it shall surely end in misery, pain and pestilence."

MONK 2: This cannot be more true for ye shall witness after a moon 'n' sennight since this day on which the lesser light exposes itself,.

MONK 3: The mystic's words echo through the lives of many, many men.

MONK 1: Man and woman, son and daughter. Cast a ward over thyself and shield thy members from the lamentations of this future.

ALL: [raising hands in the air] Halt thy steps for a fortnight as afterwards, the scourge of Mother Earth and what sleeps beneath shall emerge and crawl out of th'crevices 'n' cracks of this mutilated land.

[a foul and eerie ring/sound is heard]


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