Act V, Scene I

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Half an hour later. Past midnight. A small dock in Sassnitz. An elevated platform is on the right with a mast. There is a lantern opposite the platform and another is near the platform. Barrels are near the first lantern.


MONK 3: The foreword has come true.

MONK 2: To a greater extent than was thought.

MONK 1: Man causes th'fall of itself.

MONK 2: It all begins with a small gesture.

MONK 1: This gesture expands like ivy and th'roots of trees.

MONK 3: It doth merge with other gestures 'til a a point is reached.

ALL: And through this point, it all unfolds and unties itself like a ragg'd cloth in th'wind that-.

JESTER: [offstage:] Ho, it's those three men! Hello! Over here! It's me!

[Exeunt THREE MONKS with fog

Enter JESTER running

JESTER: O! Damn'd be them again! Mine own eyes see them all around yet they go like rooks from a fox. They are like some strange apparitions that only seem to be seen by me.

Enter WIZLAW running drunkenly

WIZLAW: Another accursed figure is before me!

JESTER: Ho 'n' hello great sir. O-!

[WIZLAW runs past and pushes JESTER offstage]

WIZLAW: Shadow man! Thou art everywhere. I must leave this lost place for th'damage that I have caused is too grand to be mended. If I swim, the sea demons will surely get to my person. [he points] There, a fortune worth all the gold that I have. This small yet mighty sail shall get me out of this ruin.

[WIZLAW jumps on the platform and begins preparing the ship]

[while preparing ship:] My wife died. My daughter died. My eldest son died. My second eldest son died. My envoy died. My court died. My troops died. My soul died. My gods died.

[shouts are heard offstage]

Oh no. The men of th'night are 'ere for me. [he cuts the rope and holds the mast] Yesterday, I was in Rugard. Tonight, I am in Sassnitz. Tomorrow, I will be elsewhere. 'Tis uncertain where I shall land or sink, but at least I will be alone in peace. No one! I tell ye no one will find and desecrate my body. [he slowly shuffles offstage in the rhythm of the boat]

Enter GUARDS with torches on an elevation opposite to WIZLAW

GUARD 1: Ho, there he is. That murdering, criminalistic, lunatical scum is tryin' to dash into th'waters.

GUARD 2: Leave him there. He won't sail far in that little boat.

GUARD 1: Art thou certain? What will we tell our commander?

GUARD 2: We will tell him that the deranged Count sail'd far off into th'waves. It is not worth chasing him and setting up a vessel in this darkness. The Count is not an experienced sailor as much and he will likely crash into th'rocks. Let him rot at sea.


The Tragic Fall Of Wizlaw, The Count Of RügenWhere stories live. Discover now