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"Maybe if I keep hollering her name, she'll hear me." I said, as Liam, Harry, and I ran down the beach. "Are you even sure we're going the right way, Liam?"

"I was picking up voices similar to theirs from this direction, so they have to be that way." Liam replied, before stopping in his tracks and groaning. "Can't we just rest and start our search once the sun rises?"

"No, I need to find Athena." I replied sternly, stopping in my tracks and staring at the two. "Once you two are married, you'll understand why I'm so clingy and get worried when I'm separated from her."

"God, I hope our honeymoon phase doesn't last that long." Harry spoke up, running his fingers through his hair and shaking his head. "I don't know if I can handle it."

I shook my head at them, walking over and placing my hands on their shoulders. "Sorry to break it to ya, mate, but the honeymoon phase never really truly ends." Harry and Liam groaned, making me laugh at how childish they were being. I understood that they were tired and cranky, but I needed to find Athena.

I would stop every now and then to catch my breath and look around for any sign of my wife and friends, but I sadly turned up empty handed.

"I don't want to discuss this now, H." I heard Liam mutter to his fiancé.

"Well, too bad. We need to figure it out before we see her. If the Tomlinsons' choose not to take her in, I believe we should." I heard Harry explain. "She likes us, Li."

"I know she-"

"Louis!" A distant voice yelled, causing all of us to stop in our tracks and listen for the voice again. It wasn't until a few moments later that my name was yelled again, Liam and Harry's names following.

Athena was searching for us; for me.

"Athena!" I yelled back, running her direction, Liam and Harry following behind me. My heart was beating uncontrollably and my chest was starting to hurt from all the running I was doing, but it didn't really matter. I wanted Athena. "Athena!"

"Louis wait," Liam said abruptly, his eyes shut tight. I stopped in my tracks and watched his facial expressions, before he opened his eyes quickly and his mouth dropped open. "Zayn has Athena."

I stumbled backwards a bit, my heart sinking, as I bit my bottom lip and turned on fast on my heel, heading into the direction Athena was coming from at full speed. It took everything in my power not to forget about the group and go kick Zayn and his band of criminals. "I'm picking up Josie's thoughts. They're close by!" Liam hollered to me.

"How are you so sure Zayn is the one who took Athena?!" I heard Harry yell over the sound of my heart beating loudly.

"I picked up his thoughts! He was thinking about an helicopter that's close!" Liam yelled back, as I halted in my tracks, causing Harry to ram into me, Liam doing the same to Harry. "What the hell, Louis?!"

If there was a helicopter near by, that meant I had a chance to stop the take off. But I didn't have much time. I looked down at my feet for a second, turning around and facing Liam and Harry. "What direction are his thoughts coming from?" I asked, trying to keep my cool.

"Louis, that's not a-"

"That bastard has my wife, Liam! I need to know what direction his thoughts are coming from!" I snapped, Harry grabbing Liam's arm out of instinct. The two looked at each other, their expressions matching. They knew I was angry. They knew I wanted to kill Zayn. They knew I wasn't to be messed with.

"Northwest." Liam muttered, before I took off in that direction.

I maneuvered my way through bushes and tall trees, jumping over stumps in the trail and sprinting towards the helicopter. I dodged everything in my way, chanting to myself that I was going to make it to her before takeoff.

I heard voices as I got closer to the helicopter, telling me I was making good time. I picked up speed, running the fastest I had ever ran before. Sweat pouring down my face, the cuts on my face starting to burn from it. The sound of an engine roaring appeared, as kept my eyes on the trail ahead of me. I needed to stop the plane. I wasn't going to let Zayn get away with Athena.

Just as I arrived near the helicopter, it lifted up into the air, the propellers carrying it through the air and away from the beach, leaving me alone and heartbroken. I couldn't stop it. He had gotten away.

I was too late.


Hi. Sorry this is late. But it's here now.

Anyways, what did you think of the chapter? Lemme know! Also comment songs for the Thunder playlist and what you would like to see next chapter!

Guys, Bolt has reached 100k reads. This is the greatest moment of my life. I wanna do something for you guys, but I have no idea what you'd want me to do. So, I'm leaving it up to you. What would you like to see me do in honor of 100k? Lemme know and it'll happen. Hopefully.


Thank you guys for everything. Thank you to the people that have commented and supported Bolt and Thunder. Thank you to the silent readers, y'all are awesome, too. Especially you, LeighannFrankart , these stories wouldn't have happened without you. (Check out her stuff, yeah?) I love you guys so much and I'm truly blessed.

Until next time,

Logan, xx

P.S- Y'all can make edits if you want and if you do, email them to me at


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