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As consciousness returned to me, my eyes fluttered open. I let out a groan as a piercing pain shot throughout my head.

"Ow, fuck," I cursed.

As I became more aware of my surroundings, I found myself bound by my ankles, wrists, and neck to a slanted metal slab. "He's awake."

Hearing the familiar voice of the male DHORKS agent, I looked up to see the two agents standing in front of me.

"It seems you had some secrets you kept from us," The woman said.

They must have been tracking me or something, so when I fell unconscious after the fight, they found me in my hellhound form.

I looked up at them, irritated. "I took care of your problem and brought you four living demons. In the process of which, I didn't harm any humans. Why should you care if I am a demon?"

"There is no such thing as a good demon. We could also use more research subjects," The female agent explained.

A low growl emanated from my throat and echoed throughout the room. "I highly recommend rethinking your decisions."

The male DHORKS agent chuckled and shook his head. "I don't think you're in any position to make threats, Y/n."

"I will tear your throats out," I threatened.

The two began to laugh, not taking my threat seriously. Good, I thought, they're too confident in their confines to view me as a threat.

"Whatever you say, Y/n," The male said.

With that, the two agents turned and exited the room, the steel door closing behind them.

Gritting my teeth, I struggled against the restraints, trying to break free. If it weren't for the metal band around my neck to keep my head in place, I'd be able to shift into my human form and escape.

After a few moments, I stopped struggling, deciding to conserve my energy and bide my time. I'd just have to wait for an opportunity for escape to arise.

No more than thirty seconds had passed before all my restraints shot open, causing me to fall to the ground. Catching myself on my hands, I looked up to see the steel door to my cell slide open.

"What the fuck?" I asked no one in particular.

I couldn't waste any time, this very well could be my only opportunity to escape. Rushing out of the room, I sniffed the air, looking for the scent of the two DHORKS agents.

Sprinting on all fours through the hallways, I followed my nose until I rounded a corner and saw the DHORKS agents walking with six other agents behind them.

The five others wielded various weapons from the Japanese feudal period, which tilted the odds slightly more in my favor. While I was still outnumbered, at least I wouldn't have to fight unarmed against humans with guns. As I rounded the corner, the group of agents turned around and saw me on the opposite end of the hallway as them. Even from several feet away, I could see looks of fear flash across their faces.

The male DHORKS agent pointed at me before shouting an order to the other agents. "Don't just stand there, kill him!"

The six armed agents nodded and charged toward me while the two unarmed agents ran further down the hallway. I couldn't help but growl, witnessing the cowardice of the agents I had signed a contract with. Oh well, they were only prolonging the inevitable.

Charging forward, I met the group of six armed agents at the halfway point in the hallway. When the first agent was within range, he swung a katana at me, aiming for my throat. I moved my head back, dodging the strike and causing the agent to overswing. Taking advantage of the agent's poor technique, I kicked his knee, folding it in and breaking it.

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