One Helluva an Escape

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I woke up, rolling over to my side, and smiled, feeling Loona's soft fur against my own. I wrapped my arms around her stomach, pulling her close against me. I closed my eyes and relaxed every muscle in my body, something I hadn't been able to do in a very long time. Even when I was in my home in the living world, I would always sleep with one eye open, always being vigilant. I never knew if one day my door would be kicked in by Volatile and his royal guard, or my father. I had never truly felt safe until I met Loona. When we held one another, I could relax fully and feel safe. I knew she would protect me from any outside threat. I knew that when I was in her arms, nothing could hurt me, nothing could get to me. Not the Scarlet Guard, not Volatile, not even my father.

My eyes fluttered open as the sun peered through my window, hitting them. As I sat up, a smile spread across my face. While it was just a dream, this dream had become a recurring one throughout the past week, ever since I gave Octavia my note for Loona. This dream never made me sad, rather, it gave me hope and a purpose.

I got out of bed, threw on some shorts and shoes, then exited my room. I walked to the courtyard and began running around the walls of it.

The hope that Octavia gave me has pushed me to start doing my morning routine again. Every morning I would wake up, run for two or three hours, then return to my room and work out my core, arms, and legs. I did this because I knew that any day now Octavia would send me a gift that would be the key to escaping. I needed to be as sharp as a scalpel when that day came.

As I continued my morning routine, my thoughts drifted to what I would do with Loona once we were reunited. I wanted to see a movie with her, I had never done that before and I think it could be fun. I also wanted to go see one of her favorite bands live. Perhaps I could even take Octavia with us, since the two like the same music.

Hours later, I sat on my bed, my body covered in sweat after my morning routine was finished. I heard a knock at my door and quickly glanced up at it. "Come in!" I shouted to whoever was on the other side.

An imp entered the room, carrying a box wrapped with red and gold wrapping paper and a bow on the top of it. "A gift was sent from your soon-to-be wife, my prince," The imp said, carrying the box into my room and placing it in my lap.

"Oh! Thank you, Lance," I replied, giving him a soft smile. Lance was an imp who served my father. He was an incredibly kind imp, who was sympathetic to the situation I was in, going out of his way to try and help me make the best of it.

Lance nodded his head. "Of course Your Highness, anything for you," He said, turning his back to me and walking towards my door.

"Uhm, Lance, I have a question for you, before you go," I said, grabbing his attention.

He turned back to face me, tilting his head in curiosity. "Yes, my prince?" He asked.

"When does your shift end?" I asked.

"Odd question... But, it ends at 10 pm tonight," Lance answered.

"Hm, thank you, Lance. You may go now," I said, giving him another soft smile. He nodded his head and then exited my room, closing the door behind him.

Once Lance had left my room, I turned my attention down to the gift from Octavia. I tore away at the wrapped paper and opened the box concealed underneath. Inside the box was some clothing, along with a folded piece of paper. Unfolding the piece of paper, I began to read it.

"I remember you mentioned that you didn't like the clothing your father would make you wear, so I got you this outfit. I hope you like it. It's very tight fitting, but not restrictive by any means."

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