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I woke up the next morning with Loona's back against my chest. She was still sound asleep, so I decided I'd lay in bed a bit longer before getting up. I shift my arms, so they're properly wrapped around her, continuing to hold her. Gently pulled the blankets up to her a bit more, since they fell off her a bit in the night while she was sleeping. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but after a while, Loona's phone rang, which startled me and woke up Loona. Loona let out an annoyed grumble as she reached over to her nightstand, grabbed her phone, and answered it. "H-hello?" Loona said in a very tired tone. I heard a voice on the other side of the phone, but I couldn't figure out who it was. "Y-yeah. I can pick you up at IMP," Loona said, then took her phone away from her ear, hung it up, and set her phone back on her nightstand.

"Who was that?" I asked, as Loona laid back down like we were before, with her head in my neck, and my head resting atop hers.

"Blitzø," Loona said, closing her eyes again. "He needs us to pick him up from the IMP building around 12:00 today," Loona answered my next question before I could ask it.

"Ah, alright. What time is it now?" I asked.

"10:00" Loona replied, softly nuzzling her head against my neck.

"Alright. Do you get up and get some coffee and breakfast before we head to IMP?" I asked, taking my head off of Loona's head to get up. Loona wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly, stopping me from getting up.

"It's cold and you're warm," Loona said in a cute tone. I simply chuckled in response and then went back to snuggling with Loona. We continued to snuggle for some time. Loona fell back asleep after a little bit, however, I stayed awake, knowing that I'd most likely have to wake her up to go and pick up Blitzø. Some more time passes before I carefully reach over Loona to grab her phone and check the time. I would've used mine, however, mine was in my pants pocket and I had no idea where in her room my pants were. I turned her phone on seeing that it was 11:30. Seeing that we should be leaving now, I lightly shook Loona.

"Loona," I said softly and quietly into her ear, making her ear twitch and causing her to let out an annoyed, sleepy groan. "It's 11:30. We gotta go," I said softly to Loona, lightly shaking her again. Loona let out another groan, still not getting up. I smile and roll my eyes, chuckling a little at how cute Loona is being. "Alright, fine. This is my last resort," I say and sit up, getting out of bed while keeping my arms wrapped around Loona so she is brought up with me. I stand up, holding her up, and then set her on her feet. She looks up at me with an irritated expression.

"You're a bitch," She said and lightly growled at me.

"Mhm. Whatever you say," I replied with a teasing tone. Loona gets dressed, putting her normal outfit on and I put my clothes from last night back on. Once we're both dressed we walk out of her room and I grab my duffle bag full of guns and ammo, swinging it over my shoulder. "Do you want me to make your coffee?" I asked as Loona walked past me, opening the door to her and Blitzø's apartment and walking out.

"Nah, there's no time. I'll make Blitzø buy me coffee on the way home since he woke me up early as fuck on a Saturday morning," Loona said as she walked down the hallway towards the elevator that takes us down to the parking garage.

"11:40 is early?" I asked as I caught up to Loona and walked next to her the rest of the way to the elevator. Once we got to the elevator she pressed the button to call the elevator up to us.

"On a fucking Saturday? Yes," Loona replied. The elevator doors opened and we both stepped inside, taking it down to the parking garage and getting into the IMP van, then driving off to the IMP office building to pick up Blitzø and the others. Loona drove in silence while I sat in the passenger seat, also saying nothing.

King Slayer (Loona X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now