Dinner With Beelzebub

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"So, what do you wanna watch?" Loona asked.

"U-uhm, kinda indifferent if I'm bein' honest," I answered.

Loona had Voxflix pulled up on her laptop and we were trying to figure out what to watch before going to bed.

"I love you, but fuck are you indecisive," She said.

My ears fell back and I gave Loona a pouty look. "I-I'm sorry..." I let out a dramatic whimper.

"Just fucking pick something!" She said loudly.

"U-Uh that!" I replied, pointing to a movie on Loona's list of suggestions.

"There. Was that so difficult?" She asked mockingly.

I simply grumbled in response and nestled my head into her neck, my tail swaying slowly under the covers as I did. Once Loona had gotten the movie set up and it began, she adjusted the laptop a bit and wrapped her arms around me, holding me close to her.

Since getting released from the hospital a few days ago, I had been staying with Loona. This of course was much to the disliking of Blitzø. Somehow, Loona had convinced him to let me stay for a few weeks. If I had to guess, she threatened violence of some sort, but I honestly didn't care. I was enjoying the extra time I got with her.

By now, my injuries had fully healed. However, I was still getting used to having one arm. It was tough, but I was slowly starting to adjust to the change

As the movie played, I didn't pay a whole ton of attention to it. I was more focused on snuggling Loona. Because of that, when a jumpscare occurred in the movie, I was completely caught off guard and jumped.

Loona chuckled in response to my sudden movement. "It's okay honey," She said, still giggling a little while beginning to pet my head softly.

I let out a grumble of annoyance and returned to resting my head on her shoulder. This time I closed my eyes, trying to drown out the noise and fall asleep. It wasn't long before the deep, dark embrace of sleep found me, dragging me into its depths.

Almost as quickly as I had closed them, my eyes opened and were greeted by the bright morning light filtering through the windows in Loona's room.

I sat up and looked to my side, a smile creeping its way across my lips from the sight I was presented with. Loona slept peacefully with her back turned to me.

My smile only widened as I thought about how lucky I was to have her. I truly hoped nothing would happen between us.

I decided since I was awake first, I'd make coffee for us both. I knew how she liked her coffee and it'd be a pleasant surprise for her when she woke up.

I stealthily slid my way out of her bed, not waking her in the process. Before I exited the room, I grabbed a pair of shorts and quickly slipped them on.

I looked over my shoulder once more, making sure that Loona was still asleep. Once again, the sight of her peacefully sleeping brought a smile to my face.

I walked into the kitchen of Blitzø's and Loona's apartment, and then to the coffee maker to begin the process of making coffee.

"The fuck are you doing?" A familiar voice called out from behind me.

"Making some coffee for when Loona wakes up," I said, not looking at the small imp behind me and continuing the task at hand.

"Why?" Blitzø asked.

"What do you mean why? I woke up before her so I want to surprise her with coffee when she wakes up," I explained and finished getting the coffee maker set up. With one final push of a button, the coffee maker began to brew coffee. After which, I turned to face Blitzø, who gave me a suspicious look.

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