Road To Recovery

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Loona's POV

I sat in my hospital room, the back of my hospital bed propped up so I was sitting up. I had been scrolling on Sinstagram since Octavia had left my room. She said she needed to get home since it was getting late and she had school the next day.

I was trying my best to keep my mind occupied with my phone so I wouldn't think about what happened to me. I didn't particularly want to relive what occurred to me all those years ago or what happened two days ago again.

My ear twitched as I heard a knock at the hospital room door. I looked up from my phone at the door and raised an eyebrow, curious as to who would be knocking on my door at five in the morning.

I knew it wouldn't be Blitzø because he had already been by to check on me, but also because he had work the next day.

I shifted to a position where I could easily and quickly lunge at whoever walked through the door if I needed to. "Come in," I called out.

When the door opened, an imp dressed in nurse's garb entered the room, closing the door behind her. "Y/n is waking up now if you'd like to come see him," She informed me.

I got up from the hospital bed, wincing in pain a bit as the stitches shifted while I moved. "Take me to him," I said.

"Would you like a wheelchair?" The nurse asked. She had noticed my wince.

"I'm fine," I sharply replied, making it crystal clear I didn't want push back.

The nurse shrugged her shoulders, getting the message. "This way, please," She said, walking out of the doorway and leading me to the surgery wing, where Y/n was waking up.

I walked through the door to see Y/n resting in a hospital bed in the center of the room. He was hooked up to a few different machines and had an IV in his arm. There was also a bandage on his cheek where I had accidentally scratched him.

"Have a seat there," The nurse instructed and pointed to one of the chairs next to the hospital bed.

I did as instructed and sat down in the chair. I was still wearing this stupid hospital gown. I couldn't wait to go home and change into some real clothes.

I patiently waited and watched for Y/n to wake up while the nurses and doctors worked around him. They performed simple tasks, like checking his vitals and making sure he was stable.

"He should be waking up now," One of the doctors, a male hellhound, said.

Soon after, his eyes fluttered open as he gained consciousness, and I walked over to his bedside. "Mornin' sleepy head," I said, looking down at him with a smile. "How do you feel?" I asked, softly petting the top of his head.

"My mouth feels like what I would imagine Blitzø unlubed asshole feels like," He said, moving his tongue throughout his mouth in an attempt to wet it.

My eyes widened before I began to laugh. I was not prepared for that sentence to exit his mouth. "Why're you thinking about Blitzø's unlubed asshole?" I asked, stifling my laughter so I could speak.

"I have no fucking clue. My mouth is just so goddamn dry," He replied. "Can I have some water?" He asked, still trying to wet his mouth with his tongue.

"Here you go," One of the nurses said, handing him a paper cup with water in it. He snatched the cup from the nurse's hand and quickly drank.

"Ahhh, now my mouth feels like your pussy after you see me shirtless," He commented, letting out a satisfied sigh. Once again, his words caught me off guard.

I felt a blush spread across my face. "Y/n!? Shut the fuck up!!" I said, annoyed and lightly smacked the side of his head.

"What? I'm not wrong," He replied. He reached up with his metal arm to touch the place where I had smacked him. He winced a little when the hand of the arm touched his head. "Jesus Christ, why is my hand so cold?" He asked, not directing the question at anyone in particular.

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